Apology to the Realtree Forums


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After reading TSBH's post, and conversing with him thru email, I feel compelled to come in here and offer my own apology.

fellow members, I want to apologize to each and everyone of you for being the cause of alot of the troubles that have gone on here in the last couple of days. I never expected things to snowball as they did. Guess like TSBH stated, having a military background, sometimes it's hard to just "sit back" and keep my mouth shut.

Buckee, I want to apologize to you specifically, for bringing you into a disagreement that you had nothing to do with, you know of what I speak.

Scott, I think you know how I feel, and I apologize to you also for making you "crack the whip" on us! grin.gif

With that said, right now I still don't feel real comfortable posting here for the time being. But do not worry, I will be in the shadows lurking, so you never know when I will rear my head again.

And TSBH, have fun in Norway, I envy you brother!!!

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Re: Apology to the Realtree Forums


Guys this is sad! Gator is saying sorry! You guys need to forgive him! This thread has 78 views and 6 posts! Whats the deal?

He stood up out of the crowd and said sorry!

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Ryan, it's okay, noone has to reply if they don't want to, it's cool

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Re: Apology to the Realtree Forums


Well, I for one, don't believe it.

It just wasn't sincere enough.

I tell ya what would make it sincere, though............money. Yeah, money's always good..... grin.gifgrin.gif

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Kevin, don't you work at a bank? Seems there is alot more money there than what I have, hmm, maybe I should take the forums hostage or something!

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