Remington 870 Barrel


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Hello, I have a question. A few years ago I bought a rifled barrel for my Remington 870 express super mag. Mossberg makes the barrel and it says it's for the 870 express. However, when I put the barrel on, the fore-end doesn't come all the way back, it gets in a bind with the barell. I should have already taken it back way before now, but I tend to put things off, then forget about it when occupied with something else. Would it make sense to buy a new fore-end to see if it would work, or should I just sell the barrel and learn from my own mistakes?



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I have a Remington 870 express. The best this I could tell you is talk to a gun shop owner or a repairer and see what the difference is. I know somtimes when im putting on my barrel its a smooth bore though but I cock the gun in the half way position or all the way back and the barrel slides on but I cant put it on with the chanber closed. Also open the chamber all the way and try sliding the barrel on to see if its lining up with the groves inside the chamber. If you have ano other little question send me a message and will try to help the best I can.

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