RedHead Bows


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Has anyone every shot or hunted with any of the RedHead production bows. My friend over here in Iraq with me is checking out the RedHead Toxiic It will be his second bow if he buys it. He said he never really experienced bowhunting but the way I talk about it, it must be the greatest thing in the world. ( I wont deny it, im pretty much obsessed. Not only hunting but competeing in archery shoots as well. If you live in WV you ought to check out the Hezibah bow shop if you are interested.) Anyways, I just dont want to set him up with junk if you know what I mean. He said he doesnt want to step out on a limb and spend 6 hundred dollars on something he might not like. Thankfully the toxiic is only 4 hundered bucks. He seems to really like it for some reason, The catalog has Mathews ( which I love and tried to talk him into getting lol ) but he insists on the RedHead. Any help or comments would be appreciated.

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The Toxik and the Kronik are both made by Diamond. The Kronik is pretty much the old Bowtech Tomkat package with slightly different cams. One of my buddies here at work shoots one and I have shot it and it is a really nice bow. Another one of my friends shoots the Toxik and it is pretty much the Diamond Black Ice. You hold the two side by side and they are pretty much the same. Your friend could also go to the Bowtech web site I know they are doing a military sale for soldiers deployed. It is a Ross Cardiac 31 for around $500 and it comes set up. I wish I knew about that when I was deployed over there I would have got another bow.

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