Excessive Practice Technique?


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I believe it was mentioned on another online forum, but has anyone tried something like this?

Practicing out to 80 yards, so 40 - 50 yrd shots don't look so imposing?

It seems like this might work, but is it really any different from just throwing a few hundred arrows from the 40 - 50 yard range?

I'm pretty sure that nobody would try and shoot a deer out past 50 yards (since the average shot is around 20 yards or so) but from a practice stand point does this help?

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I think it can help a lot, I only use to practice out to 25 yards considering most of my shots were never more than 20 yards. I could shoot good at 25 yards but I was always a little nervous taking these shots. The last few years I've been shooting at 40 yards almost always. I don't know if I'd ever shoot a deer that far but now when I get one 30 yards or closer my confidence is much higher and I know that I can easily make the shot.

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the only reason the 40 and 50 seem easier after you shoot at 80, is the perception that its closer at that moment. what happens on the day when you have no warm up and then go to make 50 yard shot? the same perception of the 50 yard shot is there. it can help in the short term, but you had better have pretty good skills to shoot at 80 yards and hold decent groups. shooting at 80 can makeyou develope bad shooting form and punches.

the only way to get better at 40 and 50 is to shoot 40 and 50 yards. what many bowhunters dont realise is how important shooting form, draw length and shot execution are at longer ranges. the further out you shoot, the better your form has to be, the better your equipment needs to be tuned and your mental approach needs to be better.

so a 20 yard trigger punch shot is ok for that distance, but a trigger punch at 50 yards is not even close. to shoot better at longer ranges, you must become a student of archery shooting. you must understand why you shoot left, right, high, low, what proper grip, arm position, relaxation, mental concentration, shot execution are.

you must also understand tuning of your bow and your arrows and mostly when your arrows have broadheads on them. what a 1/4 inch extra draw length does to your holding. what about bow weight and whether a light or heavy bow makes you hold better.

i was really fortunate that i got into indoor target shooting. it taught me a lot about the mechanics and form of the shot. equipment tuning, arrow tuning and prope maintaining of your gear.

now dont get me wrong, i miss and i am sure not perfect in my shooting. there are a ton of other shooters that can easily outshoot me. but i sure do understand why i miss and what caused it 90% of the time.

if we understand why we miss and not make up and excuse, then your on the road to shooting better.

so what i tell most guys is try to find a person that shoots really well and have them teach you. there are also many many videos out there that can help.

you can also ask your questions here on the target archery forum here and many of the guys that are over there can help.


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I often practice out to 60 Yards. I too can hold tight groups at that distance but ive been shooting about 18 years.

I think the practice aspect makes more a difference than yardage. I personally will set up a bag and walk out to unknown distances and then try to guage the shot.

To me that is far more important and really pays off when trigger time comes.

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One thing Tony said most people don't get. Where will that first shot go when I shoot and am not warmed up? Seeing where that first arrow goes is all important. If it lands in the group with the rest all is well. I shoot the Field courses and the first shot is an 80 yard walkup (70 for the hunter course) so you don't get lots of shooting beforehand. It's a tough target especially if the wind is blowing. Kinda shows who your competition is right out of the box.

One thing I do see too often is people practicing at home on a small target that sits on the ground and pointing their bow arm directly at it. You need to draw the bow level then bend at the waist to shoot if the target is lower. Put the target on something (or a hill like we do at camp) to raise it to arm level to practice form. Shooting groups is fine. You can do the same wrong thing with regularity and shoot great groups.


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