Thank You, Steve Beilgard


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I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Steve. I know it has been done on here many times before and is nothing new, but once again it is deserved.

Steve went way beyond what would be expected during my son's and my hunt last week. For starters, he is trying to get a house built for his daughter and her family, assisting his wife and finally, he was sick all week, but did not let any of that interfere with making sure Jake & I had a hunt of a lifetime.

His knowledge was only a portion of what we utilized. Everyday it was after dark when he got home, and a couple of times it was dark when we left. He put his truck into positions I know he didn't want it in and probably shouldn't have been in. When it came time to drag, he grabbed hold of his share & then some and never said a word, even though someone else did much less than their share.

Yes, Steve Jacob and I both say "Thank You". Jake got what he was most interested in, this nice antelope.


And after spending well over a day looking for one particular animal, I got this unique looking antelope.


Then on the first day of deer hunting, I "settled" for the second biggest buck we saw.:)


Yes, this dude was what I went to Wyoming for. You still can't wipe the smile off my face just thinking about him.

Thank You, Steve.

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Congrats Jake and Jeff...some beautiful trophies there and memories that will last forever!

You I read your story Jeff...I couldn't help but to think of our trip in CO. Steve put his truck in places I wouldn't have (for us), he hiked a mountain several times (for us), froze on top of a mountain in his "house slippers" (for me). Busted butt big time helping get my elk off the mountain...that and so much more is why Steve is a great man!!!!!

Anyone reading these posts that never had the privledge of meeting Steve...he really is a great guy...if you get the chance to meet yourself a favor!

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  snapper said:

Anyone reading these posts that never had the privledge of meeting Steve...he really is a great guy...if you get the chance to meet yourself a favor!

And he's not kidding .. I've met alot of people in my life but Steve B. has to be one of the very BEST,, and he has a wife and family that compliments that to it's fullist ..

I for one owe Steve B. alot .. He's definately one of a kind .. and I'm very proud to be able to call him my friend .. :)

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