Shot Big Buck in SOIL at 8am


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Shot a pretty big 8 this morning at 8am. I hit him back with the rage 2-blade. As he ran off I could see a hole thru him but if was back b/c I had a bad angle. I am kicking myself but he is dead or almost so in the timber right now. I think I am going to wait until 11 am to head back out. Looked at my arrow and it had some food matter on it with some blood so I know that I did not lung him. Backed right out and will let him hunker up for awhile.

Hopefully I will update later today with a harvest photo of big IL bruiser. If not I will be need to depression pills. Say a little prayer for me that I find him quickly.

later boys.

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If you got the time, i would recommend waiting a little longer. Gut shots can take a while. If you can, let him sit til 2 or so. Weather is cold enough, and the yotes most likely will not get to him, and as long as you don't have rain, or you know where he bedding, you will recover him. I would give him a good 5-6 hours. Good luck and post some pics!

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If you got the time, i would recommend waiting a little longer. Gut shots can take a while. If you can, let him sit til 2 or so. Weather is cold enough, and the yotes most likely will not get to him, and as long as you don't have rain, or you know where he bedding, you will recover him. I would give him a good 5-6 hours. Good luck and post some pics!

DITTO: A dead deer ain't goin' nowhere. Time is your friend. Back off as long as possible. Take a couple of extra sets of eyes to look for blood.

good luck to all

the dog

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Sorry guys for no word yet. Here is the bad news...No deer. I royally screwed the pooch but had a little help also. About 10 am I went up to the farm that he ran into to tell the guy that I would be going over on his ground. Come to find out he decided to let a guy hunt his ground and the guy was sitting on the other side of the ridge from me about 75-80 yards away. He said he heard me rattling and could even see me sitting in my stand. After I shot the buck was trotting and then slowed to a walk...I could see his antlers through the timber and all the sudden he bolted... this guy shot under him at 5-yards after I shot him. Now I wish he just would have lunged him.

While I backed out I think he got out of his stand and looked around in that patch of timber sending the buck running out of there. To top it off the farmer who does not hunt went down there and starting looking around...I couldn't really tell him he couldn't look on his own ground. When we got down there at about 1pm to look and follow the blood trail the deer had likely been gone out of there since the farmer walked down there or even sooner...who knows.

After that I decided that we had a real problem and called a guy that has a blood tracking dog. He couldn't come out Saturday as he was taking his boy out for youth season. Sunday morning he came out and we put and his dog picked up the track...however it was apparent that the deer had been pushed well out of that timber over the road and into another big patch with many options on where to go and hole up. I walked those thickets until dark last night and went back out there after work today...still can't find him. I got some good ideas of where he went but it is so thick that you can only see 10 feet or so in any direction.

I feel very depressed over losing this deer. I made a bad shot that was fatal but not quickly...I am replying that a hundred times since Saturday. It is a real bad feeling to know that I killed a magnificent animal and can't find him. I will keep looking over the next days and weeks and maybe he will turn up.

I feel like I need to apologize to everyone out there on RT forums that hunts b/c this is a trophy deer for most people (me included). Sorry guys....if and when I find him I will post some pics of this rack. I will probably take a few weeks off and from hunting and try to get my head back on straight for the rut.

By the way a big thanks goes out to Henry H. and his son Jamie who brought their blood tracking dog "Bear" out to look. They are the best...and too bad we didn't find him.

Edited by AceArcher
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