Dakota just called....


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He called to relay the message that Dad and him have 4 Antelope down!

That makes Dad's 2nd and 3rd big game animal ever!

They both got a Buck and a Doe. The ground has a dusting of snow that is about to get a color change as they are just now starting to field dress the Antelope.

They followed them around for quite a distance then found them down in a small bowl out of the wind.

He said it was the "Honey Hole of all Honey Holes"!!!

"...and no it did not take him a box of 30-06 shells either"(his words)LOL:clown:

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Hey all! I ended up losing power on my phone, apparently in roaming areas it drains the power drastically. We were a good ways in but were able to drive the jeep on a two-track road within 150 yards of the antelope instead of having to drag them a half mile to the gravel road. We each field-dressed two in the light of the head-lights and got them wrapped and "bunge-ed" (spelling Chris? :D) in the tarp on top of the jeep. We pulled onto the gravel at about 9pm and didn't get back to Ft. Meade until 11:30pm (all times Mountain Time). Boy were we tired! :D Needless to say, we slept in this morning! :D Seeing the forecast (3-6" of snow) we decided to head back home and just pulled in about half an hour ago.

Only got one pic for now, will get more tomorrow and then it's butchering time. :cool:

Dakota :)


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