Heart shot doe


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My season is off to a pretty decent start. Got some meat in the freezer to take the pressure off. Put a Muzzy-tipped Gold Tip right through the apex of this ol' gals heart at about 8 yards at 5:20 this evening. Almost got a crack at the other doe she was with. Still amazed that these deer can run 75-100 yards with a big hole in their hearts. Dressed out at 71 lbs. This 1.5 yr. old is gonna eat good. First deer using the mountain bike. I'll get some pics up later this week showing that...pretty neat. I'm really liking using the bike as my transportation.

You know it's a good day (for you...not the deer) when you see this:


I haven't had a bowkill since '06 (due to lack of hunting time). It felt great to skewer something once again.


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I see I taught you well.


You have no idea what you've done for this hunter, Dan. I really think I would have given up bowhunting without ever killing a deer with archery equipment. I think I've killed somewhere around a dozen deer with archery equipment since I met you 6 years ago. You do a great job taking the young guys out and showing them the ropes. Good luck this year buddy.

Now, if I could just get a nice buck to walk by....

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It was my pleasure

You have no idea what you've done for this hunter, Dan. I really think I would have given up bowhunting without ever killing a deer with archery equipment. I think I've killed somewhere around a dozen deer with archery equipment since I met you 6 years ago. You do a great job taking the young guys out and showing them the ropes. Good luck this year buddy.

Now, if I could just get a nice buck to walk by....

You have made such a good hunter thats what its all about.

Glad to see the new wife letting hunt some.:)


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You have made such a good hunter thats what its all about.

Glad to see the new wife letting hunt some.:)


She ain't the problem...lack of hunting areas around Tulsa has been my biggest problem. I finally found some good bow-only hunting 30 minutes away. I'm looking for a good lease starting next year. Keep your eyes open for me (around Inola would be perfect...)

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How about Nowata

She ain't the problem...lack of hunting areas around Tulsa has been my biggest problem. I finally found some good bow-only hunting 30 minutes away. I'm looking for a good lease starting next year. Keep your eyes open for me (around Inola would be perfect...)

Friend ask me about one there.


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