RAGE Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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No need for apologies. I agree about pictures being tasteful, but your pic is meant to show the rage broadhead in action. It's a deadly head and these pics just prove it. Some of you "old" schoolers as you call yourselves need to chill out.

Thank you! Was starting to get some negative posts. He sent me some tasteful ones as well, but your right this was just to show what the rage is capable of.

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I'm sorry if it affends some people, that wasn't my intention when posting those pictures at all. . . I would never want to turn anyone off to hunting. I just thought that some people that shoot this product would be interested in seeing the pictures.

No problem!!! :) i know you meant good by these pictures and i'm glad you had success with the brodheads!! i'm just kinda the type of guy who doesn't care about killing things and how devastatingly brutal a broadhead can be. More for the fun of the sport and the experiences you can get from it. Not about how many things i can kill since without these animals we wouldn't have a sport at all. Because of this i believe they need our respect...

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The thread wouldn't be complete without someone trying to pipe down the hype. If your sick of people posting threads about these heads than don't look at them and keep your comments to yourself. You know that people are going to make remarks towards your comment and I'm sure thats what your going for in the first place.

(You) as in the one person that always has to say something bad or against what everyone else is saying just to start crap.

On another note thank you for sharing your pictures. Amazing work by another Rage.

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Guest TennesseeTurkey

I killed my deer this year with a Rage 2 blade.... it was broadside and the entrance hole was as big as the exit! She didnt go 30-40 yards and piled up.... too much blood loss...

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Whoa....no mention of ethics in what I said. What I'm saying is a hole in a deer is a hole in a deer and I don't care what brand you make it with, or if you choose stone heads to do it with. Blood isn't facinating to me.....perhaps I've seen too much

To me...and this is JMO(as I'm entitled to it), ....if you've been there before than act like it and show some pics with class and taste. If you wanna show how you "blew-up a deer" because it looks cool, then print out the pics and hang them on your walls for all the world to see and when company comes over......see their reactions opposed to if you had cleaned that pic up or took some time to take a quality field photo that captures the mind or place in time.

To boast pics like this is an insult to a tradition many here grew up knowing before kill shots had any bussiness being posted on a hunting forum. It wasn't the equiptment that ultimately layed that deer on its side. More the skill of the hunters dedication. That's where being a hunter trumps gear choices at the end of the day.

Wow...I don't know if I should even touch this one, but here goes...I can see where both sides here are coming from. I can definitely see where wooly is coming from and I tend to agree.

Now if we are going to look at pics of entry/exit wounds etc. from a technical stand point and critically look at how a broadhead or piece of equipment performs (which I'm thinking that's what this was originally intended for) then I can see discussions and an "appreciation" for it. BUT I agree with wooly that it can easily become disrespectful toward the game and the tradition if it becomes a celebration of wound channels and huge amounts of blood.

The focus of the hunt should be on the tradition and respect of the sport, and especially the game. The focus should be on the experience and memories with loved ones doing something we love together, sharing these great experiences. Appreciating nature and admiring it.

Focus should not be placed on how huge the hole was, how much blood there was, or how encrediably devistating a wound or shot was.

Absolutely hunting and being outdoors is something to celebrate, but we should make sure we are celebrating the right things for the right reasons.

I think that is the point wooly was making there. And I don't think anyone was trying to intentionally offend anyone or be disrespectful, but it's important we stay mindful of these things...The big thing here is respect for the tradition, the sport and the animals we pursue. I could go on forever, but I won't write a book...Anyway, good hunting out there all!

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I'm not impressed

I shot a doe with the 2 blade rage on Oct. 11 and believe me i will be going back to my muzzys. It was a quartering shot at 25 yds, i shot her high but i double lunged the deer. The entry "cut" was unbelieveable but the entry "hole" left alot to be desired. I could stick my index finger in the hole and it was tight at my second knuckle. The exit hole was even smaller. The deer ran 300+ yds and never bled. I was lucky that i found her. It didn't hit any ribs until it exitied. it broke one on the way out. My belief is the blades broke when they contacted the first ribs on the way in. I never found the B.H. after the shot so i can't confirm this. So believe the hype if you want, but if you are shooting fixed blades and they are shooting good, don't try to fix something that ain't broke. I have two more to shoot to see if i change my mind but i always keep a muzzy in the quiver just in case that buck of a life time walks out. Yes the muzzy's are shooting only about 1" lower than the rages for those of you who will say "you have two different B.H. in your quiver."

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  • 2 weeks later...

exactly my thoughts. i'm glad you summed it up that way! but again, for the poster of this thread, great shot on this doe! glad the rage did its job for you!!

Wow...I don't know if I should even touch this one, but here goes...I can see where both sides here are coming from. I can definitely see where wooly is coming from and I tend to agree.

Now if we are going to look at pics of entry/exit wounds etc. from a technical stand point and critically look at how a broadhead or piece of equipment performs (which I'm thinking that's what this was originally intended for) then I can see discussions and an "appreciation" for it. BUT I agree with wooly that it can easily become disrespectful toward the game and the tradition if it becomes a celebration of wound channels and huge amounts of blood.

The focus of the hunt should be on the tradition and respect of the sport, and especially the game. The focus should be on the experience and memories with loved ones doing something we love together, sharing these great experiences. Appreciating nature and admiring it.

Focus should not be placed on how huge the hole was, how much blood there was, or how encrediably devistating a wound or shot was.

Absolutely hunting and being outdoors is something to celebrate, but we should make sure we are celebrating the right things for the right reasons.

I think that is the point wooly was making there. And I don't think anyone was trying to intentionally offend anyone or be disrespectful, but it's important we stay mindful of these things...The big thing here is respect for the tradition, the sport and the animals we pursue. I could go on forever, but I won't write a book...Anyway, good hunting out there all!

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I've had a ton of success with the 2 bladed Rage but I think that I'm going to switch over to the 3 bladed. 16 deer over the last few years and have only lost 2 due to poor shot placement; high shoulder hits. I guess that the real problem that I'm having is lack of arrow penetration. 16 deer killed 0 pass through shots. 6 with compound 10 with crossbow, all have been from a tree stand 20-25 feet off of the ground. All have been within 20 yards, most under 10. I guess that the extreme angle is the biggest contributing factor. Hopefully the smaller hole/cutting diameter of the 3 blade will allow the arrows to pass through better.

Anyone else having similar problems?

My one friend is having the same issues, 1 pass through out of 6 deer.

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I've had a ton of success with the 2 bladed Rage but I think that I'm going to switch over to the 3 bladed. 16 deer over the last few years and have only lost 2 due to poor shot placement; high shoulder hits. I guess that the real problem that I'm having is lack of arrow penetration. 16 deer killed 0 pass through shots. 6 with compound 10 with crossbow, all have been from a tree stand 20-25 feet off of the ground. All have been within 20 yards, most under 10. I guess that the extreme angle is the biggest contributing factor. Hopefully the smaller hole/cutting diameter of the 3 blade will allow the arrows to pass through better.

Anyone else having similar problems?

My one friend is having the same issues, 1 pass through out of 6 deer.

I just switched to RAGE 2 blade BH's a few weeks back this year...i killed a doe the other day and was not at all impressed with the penetration factor...I have been using G5 Montecs the last 4 years and never had a problem picking up my arrow where the deer was standing when i hit em...my arrow passed through this deer, but didn't finish its mission...BH was sticking out one side while my fletchings were sticking out the other...I'm shooting a MATHEWS SWITCHBACK XT at 68 lbs, trust me, that arrow is cruisin...yes the doe didnt make it 30yds from impact, but at the same time, i like my arrow to go through with a total pass through, and when that didn't happen i was scratchin my head.....do i like the BH's? not sure yet...have to see what happens with a few more before i am totally sold. jmo

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