2nd doe in 2 days..................


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Here she is 95 lbs of acorn eating baby making machine


Went to pretty much the same spot this morning...........Moved 80 yards northwest cause of wind and I figured they would be looking at the tree I shot from yesterday..........Boy was I right. Had a yearling at daybreak feed for an hour 50 yards out. Then a little dorkie forkie came in behind me. Heard something left and here come 2 50lb butterballs.............I knew what was behind them and here she came. Ole momma doe come strolling right straight at the tree I was sitting in. At 15 yards she finally gave me a broadside...........Right as I went so squeeze she turned and the arrow went in right in front of her right shoulder and came out about the last rib on her left side. I knew there wouldn't be a bloodtrail cause I probably clipped the gut but I seen her lock up at 80 yards. Walked about 60 and there's my arrow..........covered in blood and just a little gut. Whhhhhhewwwwwwww............I felt better. I knew she wasn't gonna make it far. Took 4 steps and there she is 20 yards ahead.

It's the same arrow and broadhead I used on the last deer. Checked it earlier and other than resharpening it's ready to go again...............Goldtip and Magnus...............Built to last

Edited by hutchies
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