The Giant Is Dead:


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The Giant Is Dead….Long Live the Giant:

To make a short story long:

I wish I was talking about a big buck that I just took out of the herd, but I’m not.

I must say that the Giant lived a long and productive life of almost thirty years.

The Giant had had its ups and downs over the years but kept up with the load, even through the raising of our children into adulthood.

The Giant was cold and unfeeling on the inside, although it stayed warm and decorated on the outside.

The Giant had been decorated with all sorts of awards over the years. Among these, were a turkey drawn from the handprint of our child in kindergarten class.

Several small scratches, numerous fingerprints, and various magnetic trophies, were collected over the years.

The Giant held the newest report card until Daddy came home from work.

The Giant also was the keeper of the ‘post-it’ reminders, grocery lists, and ‘little love notes’.

The Giant always had a belly full of good food, and was always willing to share.

The Giant would even leave the light on for you while you chose what you wanted, and turn the light off when you were finished.

The Giant was also the keeper of Hot Wheels, marbles, lint, and an occasional Cheerio or Fruit Loop.

Long lived the Giant, but now it is dead.

Repairmen kept telling me that as long as the compressor was still good that the Giant could be fixed. The compressor is the “heart” of any refrigerator.

Well, the Giant was ‘Avocado Green”, as is the stove, vent-a-hood, dishwasher, and kitchen sink.

I removed the avocado panel from the dishwasher, and it has a beautiful white finish, as well as panels for the colors Black, Harvest Gold and Coppertone.

We have decided to go with white appliances, and they should be delivered on Wednesday.

My son and I installed a new white kitchen sink Sunday afternoon.

It was so heavy I just had to weigh it on the scales to see for myself.

Did you know that a good quality kitchen sink weighs in at 100 lbs.?

That is considerably more than the weight of my wallet.

Now we are ready for the “New White Giant”. I am sure it will soon be decorated much like “The Green Giant” was.

If anyone needs a Green Stove, they can have this one. Come and get it. It works just as good as a new one, but it is “Avocado Green”. The old Green sink is also free, but remember, it weighs 100 lbs., so “Bring your truck”.

Now, why am I telling you all this?

1. It is an example of how to make a short story long?

2. I was just bored, and waiting to go out and chase the ‘big giant buck’ this afternoon?

This is our “Last Day” of bow season.

3. I'll bet you just can't wait for "part two"? …..popgun

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Re: The Giant Is Dead:

Thanks for all the condolences everyone.

We had no memorial services nor did anything special for the Green Giant.

It had a good run.

Thanks tominator for your comments as well.

You can really see and appreciate the "little things".

As for the big buck........I guess he will be there next season.

I did take out one of the smaller bucks with my crossbow since it was the last opportunity.

I gave one packaged deer to the neighboring property owner for hunting rights and needed to replenish the freezer a little.

I wonder how many hunters take one on the last hour of the last day.

Now it is squirrel and coon season.

It has been for awhile now but I hate to shoot up the woods when it is so hard to get the deer to come out during daylight hours.

The new "White Giant" and matching stove will be delivered on Friday, and we are ready to transfer all the refrigerator magnets.

Maybe we'll have a ceremony. grin.gif .....popgun

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