The Mathews DXT Has spoken


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And a big fat doe has fallen!!!!! Went to my lease this weekend, and Sat morning dawned cloudy and cool, witha slight north wind, perfect for where I was. Didn't see anything until about 745 when I have two does feeding down the fenceline. They get about 35-40yds away and turn and walk into the woods, no shot. I watch them feed around for about 5 mins till I lose sight. I'm already thinkin this is gonna be a good morning. Little while later I see movement again from the north, and here comes four does, headed right to me, and my little "kill plot". They come down, and I am lookin for buttons, and sizing them up, as they all looked small to me. First one I picked out turned and didn't offer a shot. Looked over the others, and picked one out, and when she stepped out, my goldtip/magnus stinger was on its way. Sad thing is, she was a tad closer than what I thought, and having been at draw for ALOT longer than I wanted, I hit high, right in the spine. She dropped, the other three high tailed it outta there. I can't get another arrow in her, as she is moving to much, so I get all my stuff down, and as I am climbing down, here a "pop" in my stand. I look up, and the dang thing is about to come apart!!!!!:eek::eek::eek: That scared the beeejesus outta me!!!! Anyways, I walk over, and finish her off. Dressed out at a hundred pounds, and was FAT!!!!! ended up seeing three deer outta this same stand Sat night, so I am thinkin I am in a good spot to say the least!!! The pic isn't the best, this is when I went back to get her, and I forgot to take one before I loaded her on the trailer. I love my Magnus Stingers!!!!!!!! This one has to be recycled, but it sacrificed itself to a good cause!!


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