Any Okies in hurrrr?


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I haven't been able to get in the woods so far this year, but it from talking with all my buds and seeing all the success posts from Oklahoma, it looks like the deer are really moving good. A few friends of mine think that the rut will be a week or two early this year. What do yall think? It normally peaks for me around the second week of November, so that would put it the last week of October I guess. Your take?

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Last year I had the best luck the weekend after Muzzle loader season.

However, with the way they are moving this year and with our cold temps im betting ML'er season is already hot! I have to get out and get the smoke pole ready to rock!

That's what I am thinkin to. Already heard two reports of bucks with does. I'm gonna miss opening weekend of ML'er to...... But I didn't see anything with the does I seen this weekend, so who knows

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I live in Louisiana now but still consider myself an Okie grew up in the northwest in Hennessey but never deer hunted til I came down here. What i wouldn't give to go back and do some hunting now but all my friends moved away and lost contact. Used to see deer all the time and never thought twice about them. In fact didn't even know anyone who deer hunted at the time!

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