decision time

Guest kuntryman

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Guest kuntryman

My daughter and I have been watching several nice bucks all summer.I have been in bow range with 1 or more of them 4times in a row,but its always to dark to make a good shot.Last tuesday the smallest of the group jumped my string at 32 yrds,after I crawled 100 yards to get to him.Tonight I had 3 of them in front of my tree at 40 yards no shot to dark.Rifle season opens this weekend, I want to kill 1 of the 3 so bad with my bow.If I dont get done by Sat somebody else will.I am on vacation until Sun,but cant hunt hard until wed.Do I keep after it with the bow and take a chance,or do I smoke the biggest 1 Sat with the rifle?I have hunting pressure from all sides except north and everybody hunts with a gun.What do I do?

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I'm still waiting on my first with the bow, so I would be trying for that but, with the hunting pressure, you take the rifle you range is increased 10x fold and most likely it puts meat in the freezer. There is also bow season next year or late season (depending on your state). If you have some time to bow hunt then give it one last shot, if your times up, take the rifle out and get it done.

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I was in a similar situation last year. I had several shooters come inside of bow range but never could get a shot. It was during ML season, and if I would of had a ML it would have been game over. But I had made up my mind that I wanted to close the deal with my bow. It took several more hard days of hunting, but it finally came together. It was my first buck with a bow and the satisfaction that I had was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. I say stay with your bow!

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