To Tell or Not To Tell


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I keep it to myself unless its with someone that I trust that has his own land, and would never come to my area. I really just don't talk about it much. I do hunt a small draw, and the land next to it is hunted by two very nice young men, and they put more time in the woods than me, hence no 5 kids at home like ole D-man., anyway..they tell me when they have seen the most activity, and if it relates to my stand locations...I feel they are truly honest about it, and I will use their advise. al

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Two nights ago I had a monster 10 pointer at 50 yards and couldn't get him any closer regardless of all my efforts to try and call him in... I was halfway down the northwest woods on the west side of the road. You know, the big Oak with the four scrapes under it?! Maybe next time! :D

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I tell my hunting stories regularly. But I keep the location a secret. I've got a good chunk of private land I sure don't want people messing with that! I've had it happen before and it really puts a strain on a friendship!! Now I just refer to locations in a general nature and never give specifics unless it's a close hunting buddy that I can absolutely trust.

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I too keep secret alot of my hunting stories, only writing them down in my journal...the reason is that a great story gets told hundreds of times, and evenutally everyone knows about you, what you've done and have been doing, and where you're doing it at. Likewise when i take someone hunting with me, i never take them to my best spots...more than once i've taken someone only to find them hunting that particular spot later or worse, with one of their friends. Never tell all your secrets.

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To give you a great example of what I'm talking about, I ran into a good friend of mine the other day at Tim Horton's coffee shop.

I took him out on his very first deer hunt quite a few years ago, and he got a beauty.;)

I asked him how he was doing, and he pulled out his cell-phone and said, "Here, look what I got the second day of bow season". I looked, and there was this huge monster blacktail he had on his cell phone.

I said, "So where did you get that big Hawg?"

He smiled and I returned the smile and then I said, "OK, let me rephrase that Question. When are you taking me hunting?" ...LOL:clown::)

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