iowa man falls out of treestand 40' in air


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I've got a couple just over 30 feet, but nothing near 40! The life lines on the market are only 30 feet long. Amazing he was treated and released. Had a MO redident in the hospital last week from a 20 foot treestand fall. Messed his legs up bad! He climbed the steps, and was about to hook his safety harness up and fell prior to hooking up.

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That is nuts to be that high in a tree. I have hunted 30' when the leaves are off. You have to realize the danger in climbing any height. This man fell while climbing down and turning to look at the buck he just shot. Just get out of the tree safely should be your first thought.

Edited by ruttinbuc
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The man is definitely lucky to be alive, if not paralyzed to say the least. Several yrs ago I fell about 20 to 23 ft., and when I hit I bent my knees and rolled. I ended up lying on the ground for over an hour, because I was numb from the waist down. I finally got the feeling back in my legs. Later that night around 2 or 3 in the morning, I awoke from a dead sleep, and could not breathe. I drove myself to the hospital and discovered that from the fall I had Jarred kidney stones loose and I passed them later that day. I feel very fortuanate to still be around for my family.

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That is absurd! 40ft... that is 5 stories! That is the height of most silo's in Wisconsin!

Who on earth would think it reasonable or rationale to hunt from 40ft! I have shot numerous deer, with a bow from 10ft, and I know of many forum members who are more than content to hunt from the ground with a bow. The tallest "factory" ladder stand is 22 ft... so don't you think that the "factory" recommendation would be to stay 22 feet or less? JMHO

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Dang, that didnt happen too far from my house! Dont know the guy, but glad he is alright.

I can only think of one reason to have a stand that high and I've had one setup similar to this. This part of Iowa is FULL of steep creek banks and hillsides. In some of the bottoms, at 20ft, your at eye level with the deer. Hench the need to go up another 15-20ft. Like I said, I had one stand that was on a steep embankment next to a field. It was the only tree big enough for a stand and one in place it was just over 30ft up the tree. It didnt seem that high once in stand due to the field being level with the 20ft mark or so on the tree. Not certain that was this guy's case, but I'd say its a good guess.

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my stands are between 18 and 23 feet depending on the location. i seem to have good luck with that. i just killed my third wall hanger. im no pro but i do ok. the important thing is that i have fun. there is no such thing as a bad hunt. just remeber you could always be working.

{correction} if you fall from your stand. i guess that would be bad

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