He's still around


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I've been watching a pretty nice 8 point all summer and just last week a heard a rumor that our neighbor shot a really nice 8 point. We hadn't seen this deer since the end of September and we thought for sure that this must have been the deer. Last night I headed out a little early so I could check my camera, and look who showed up at 8:00 yesterday morning. He was out there Monday night at 6:30 too. I almost hunted a stand that is about 50 yards from where this pic was taken that same night but decided at the last minute that I would try another woods instead. That's one thing I hate about the trail cameras, when you see what goes by when you're not there and realize you almost hunted that spot but decided not to, oh well. Nice to see him moving around in the daylight though.

Here is a picture of him back in late August on our chicory plot.


Here is the latest picture of him from yesterday.


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This was our first year planting chicory and so far it's been amazing. This area was covered in the tall weeds and scrub brush that you see in the background. We sprayed roundup and plowed it in early May, then planted on memorial day weekend. The deer seem to prefer this over our clover plot which is located right behind the camera. I typically get around 300 pics every week.

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