Anyone used the new Hornaday bullet without the sabot??


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are you looking for a full bore sized round?....power belts are about the only ones I ever see information about....but I have been using the t.c. shockwave in 200gr for the last, oh, 3 or 4 years and have never hit a deer that went more than 45 yards....infact last year I shot one doe and the bullet passed threw her and hit the other doe that was abou 12 yards behind her(It was in the woods and i didn't see the other doe show up)

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We use the Hornady FPB which are the full bore bullets without sabots. Shoot 100 grains 777 out of Encores with 1.5 to 2 inch groups at 100. Not the tightest but when that 350 grain bullet slams a deer, it's like hitting them with a ton of bricks. Good expansion great penetration and they don't come apart like some other brands.

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I used the FPB this year for the first time and they were great. I shot a small elk at 75 yrds and the bullet went through both shoulders and left a 4" exit hole. I was shooting this whith 120gr of t7. With open sights I was getting a 3" group at 100yrds.

Very nice! :clap: I haven't used sabots in 5 or 6 years, my in-lines had a lot better performance with Maxi-ball 370 gr. conicals than they did any sabot I tried. Anymore though, my gun of choice has been my CVA Mountain Stalker traditional caplock and, while I can still shoot conicals out of it, I've begun using 175 gr. patched round balls. :cool: However, imho, if I ever went back to sabots I would use Hornady over anything else.

Dakota :)

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