how do deer see hunters ??


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If you've spent any time out at night you know that your vision is black and white and shades of grey. You can see bright spots easier than dark ones. You also lose your depth perception. This is because of the receptors in your eye that give you night vision. Deer have lots more of these and can see quite well at night. That's why they see mostly black and white and grey. We have fewer of them and more color receptors. How these cells are arrainged in the eye helps too. Our color vision is most important and in the center (that's why at night you see better if you avert your eyes than if you stare). I'd guess deer have them scattered. Humans and birds have the best color vision.


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Deer have dichormatic vision. They do see color, but they do not see color as we do. They only see particular colors within given wavelengths. All other colors are filtered to appear as various shades of these colors. For example shades of greens, blues, and yellows can better be picked apart, but reds are viewed only as blurred shades blended together. So in a sense you could say that they see in "black and white" and not color (meaning many different colors). Here's one article I pulled up quick explaining it....

...I do remember reading some that explain things a little better.

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I need to get that. LOL

I've read so many articles on deer color blindness, wavelengths, night vision, binocular vs monocular vision - all I remember is the general info - not specifics.

I saw a website about 5 years ago where the author posted a photoshopped picture taking out the colors that deer do NOT likely see. His camo was a perfect blend - then the color picture was put next to him - He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt! LOL

Keep your pattern broken up and don't move - that's all you need to know. I think Charles Alsheimer did a special on one of the hunting channels about movement, too. Had a guy just standing in the woods and you couldn't see him, then had him scratch his face, then walking, then just standing again. This demo clearly showed that it is more about movement than anything.

I, like many other here, have experienced remaining perfectly still and having deer walk pretty darn close. They look for movement above all else - I think.

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