had a fun opening day


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it didnt start out well, my bud seen all the bucks come day light, but no shots, later we went back , he had to work, but i went out alone around noon....started out slow, nothing was moving, so i went to another part of the ranch, and man things changed fast. 30 does and fawns out in the huge hay meadow, i sat and waited to see if the stud would show up... slowly but surely a few deer came out of the woods into the meadow, a couple spikes and sporks, i sat waiting for something a tad larger to appear... then i noticed something on the edge of the cut hay... i look through the binos and 50 yards away was a bobcat... now i really want to add one of these to my wall badly, but i think, if you shoot the bobcat, the deer hunting day is over.... so i watch this cat slowly walk 30 yards in front of me, no clue i was there, finally it goes down into the creek bottom.... no the stud never showed up but 23 turkeys did, and then Mr beaver swam and chewed on some limbs.... coyotes howling in the distance,a hoot owl calling out to the night,man... just a great day

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