my 2009 deer


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after a uneventful morning, my buddy bob and i took a few hours off, went back out at 3pm... around 5 pm i heard him shoot, shortly after i got a call on the walkie talkie that he took a small 3x3... ( 6 point for you wierdo's) he asked what i wanted to do, i said lets sit it out, never know what will happen. later nearing dark i noticed some deer way off in the distance, even from over 1000 yards i could tell two were bucks.the first buck which was also the largest, but by a small margine, slipped off into the woods, and we never seen him again, but the second one slowly made his way into the hay meadow, i dropped him with a neck shot at 253 yards, as per my range finder... here he is, my 2009 whitetail buck




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