Hit a doe


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Hit a doe this morning. It was a slow none eventful monring in stand today saw 2 deer. I decided I'd climb down and go eat at the car get warmed up a little and head into a different stand. Well I'm walking out and jump 2 doe across the creek from me and they were about 30 yards. I wasn't going to shoot but then I said heck lets put some meat down. Pulled up made the shot thwack. I'm thinking yes!

Then as I'm watching her run off the arrow is sticking out quite a bit. Well crap what happened. She was quartering away some but I was comftortable with the shot.

I'm headed to the bow shop here soon to get BH's only have one now. Little torked about it I shouldn't have done that should have been dead deer. Oh well next time. In the morning I'm going to see what I can find out there.

Good luck.

Sorry for the long post:D

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Guest bowhunter56

You just watcher her run away?????,,you didn't wait and try to track,,,and your going to the bow shop instead of looking for her..Your gonna get some reply's on your post..

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Sorry for the first two posts:Dlol Was a little mad.

Just read my orginal post and I had typed in it saying I didn't find any blood or anything when I went to check the area and backed out and stuff looked around for a couple hours. Thats long story short. I must have deleted it from the post or something. I don't know.

Be back in the morning.


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Whew..I was thinking you were a better guy than that,lol, good to know, figured I'd ask though! Sounds like maybe you hit shoulder or something...she may be ok. Did you find the arrow?

No the arrow is in her. I really think she is dead up there in that holler somewhere I just can't find her. I'm going to head up tomorrow and look around.

Joe I'll let you know what happened.

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I knew as soon as I checked your status as a Monster Buck that you did, then glad to see the responses afterward.

Not to be a pain, but how does anyone being a monster buck make them any better of a hunter than the next? Its only a post rate. And I would never doubt a hunter that he would track his deer. If you are obsessed with the outdoors as much as everyone is on here, to spend hours on end on this site you would think you would have the brains to look for the deer. Its more of a pain when you assume and jump someones case without asking. And personally I think it was a pretty crappy move. If you get offended by this, well then so be it. Were all adults here and the truth hurts.

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I guess as a Moderator we are the ultimate hunters and never lose a deer? Ha:clown: Ha:clown: Ha:clown:

I could tell by Cody's typing he was visibly upset, he forgot words and some key phrases to tell us the whole story. I've been there and done that.

Keep in mind, those who weren't there are quick to judge and karma will makes its way back around. When I was reading his first post and got to the end of it. I was just waiting for the bashing to begin, if we'd give as much patience to people as we do to hunting. We would get the whole story.

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Not to be a pain, but how does anyone being a monster buck make them any better of a hunter than the next? Its only a post rate. .

It's not that his post rate makes him a better hunter, it's just over time you'll see people come and go that will make a post or two stating something outrageous about how they "had no shot" on a deer and then somehow killed it, or something to that effect. People that stick around on these forums are true hunters and have respect for their chase. As you continue to be an active member, you'll see exactly what I mean.

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It's not that his post rate makes him a better hunter, it's just over time you'll see people come and go that will make a post or two stating something outrageous about how they "had no shot" on a deer and then somehow killed it, or something to that effect. People that stick around on these forums are true hunters and have respect for their chase. As you continue to be an active member, you'll see exactly what I mean.

You do realize that he has been here two more years than you have, dont you?

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I've made a few of those shoulder shots over the years where you only get about 6 inches of your arrow buried in the deer. Almost no blood at all. I hope you find her Cody, it's always tough to lose one, I was reminded of that on my first shot this year :(

Thanks I hope to find her. Be some good eating.

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You do realize that he has been here two more years than you have, dont you?

Lmao, none that matters to me. And no I dont agree with that at all. I know alot of amazing hunters out there that dont use these Forums. Unfortunatley because they could provide some awesome advice/stories/pics and all of the stuff we all love on here. But because they dont use these forums doenst mean they are not good hunters. But I will agree with you I have seen some pretty bogus hunting stories on here from some new forum users. But what I will not say is, because they are a fawn on here ignore their adivce, or if they are a monster buck take it because its like gold. No, a hunter is a hunter, Monsterbuck on the forums or a fawn. It makes no difference...I dont see how people can get this in their head that this post count thingy that makes you the big boy on the forums could possibly make you any better than a fawn. We are here to talk about what we love. And thats hunting and the outdoors. Most importantly have fun, this place and the people in it are what give me something to look forward to everyday. I guess you guys could say your kinda like my internet family lol :clown: But anyways. Enough said, Cody I hope you find her buddy and for everyone else good luck this season and please stay safe..

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