Huntingland deer hunt


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In October 17, 2009 I went deer hunting with dad at our hunting land.First we got there and drove the truck offroad into the woods.Then,we got out and set up our blind,we walked for a ways.we got in the blind.then,we waited. we were hunting with my dads black muzuloder, we call it black death. At 6:45 we left. then we went back to Massena.We saw 5 bluejays.

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Dang, 5 bluejays. :D

Black death, lol. That's funny.

You're a better writer than easily 30% of this forum. :D

j/k guys. :clown:

You know what Chris.... while in the blind he composed a very good story on his Nintendo DS, about our hunt, right up to the minute we were sitting there talking about it. It was so well written, I asked him if it was able to be saved to show his mother and he told me no. I was very disappointed. He does have an ability to write good stories for just turning 9!

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