Gonna be a watching my back from now on!!!


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Well, I guess I am gonna have to be a little more cautious when im out in the woods hunting. On the way home from his football game last night my brother said he saw a mountain lion in one of the fields a little more than a quarter mile from our house!!!!:eek: So my dad called the DNR this morning to report it and the lady said that there have been a number of reports in our area. Needless to say, I was a little nervous walking out of the woods tonight.

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Thats funny you mention this...I was just talking to my buddy and i asked him this question...

"at any time when you are walking in or out of the woods in the morning or evening, is there anything that you sometimes think about that scares you?"

he said exactly what i always think.....the possibility of a cougar...

Even though we live in Illinois, and cougars are not suppose to live here, they do pop up from time to time...there are more sightings every year, but our DNR wants to keep it all hush hush for some reason. Regardless of what the DNR says, that is the one thing that crosses my mind when entering or leaving the woods at 0 dark thirty...it actually creeps me out becuase those cats are big and extremely stealthy...Good luck with your cat issue, and be safe!

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Where in wisconsin are you? I thought the dnr refused to recognize that there are cougars in wisconsin. We have seen one around our land too... whats scarier, lions or the millions of timberwolves around?

We live in Marathon Co. The lady with the DNR said they had a lot of people reporting sightings in the area but they they still deny it just like they deny there are too many wolves and too few deer.

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im from western ny, Stueben co actually, and i saw one last summer cross the road about 2 miles from my house. it took the thing 2 steps to bound across our very wide double lane st. rt. 36 highway. the first morning of bow season (this last saturday) i saw a very large black wolf as well and that freaked me out too. NONE of these animals are supposed to be around here. and the DEC sais "no , we haven't released any" My Butt!:shifty:

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We have bear, wolves and cougars around here. Last Saturday morning I heard a wolf howl not too far from my stand. Every year there seem to be more and more cougar sightings. Out of all the critters I could run into, cougars make me the most nervous. I've seen and been around a lot of bear and wolves and never had problems, but cougars would make me uneasy.

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...I say shoot first and ask for forgivness later, If I saw one within 80 yards of me ( i know you usally dont see them) I whould be waisting bullets.

I was talking about this with some people here in the U.P. and we all agreed that a cougar in the dark whould be the biggest fear for most of us...the reported cougar sightings here in michigan are on the rise...though the dnr still seams to refuse total ignologment of their existince.

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