NY...take 2!


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So 2nd day of the archery season...it was slow this morning. Got in late again...thanks to Andy...lol. Saw nothing all morning from 7am till 9am...then at quarter after 9 I hear branches snap behind me..I look behind me and there stands two nice and tasty looking does!:bat:

So take my bow and turn around...well the wind started to switch direction and guess where it switched to!? Yup, so they start stomping...they never snorted...never looked up and saw me...the one turns and wanders back into some hemlocks...the other stands and stomps and looks around nervously...then wlks forward...then turns and walks back...I could have had a nice shot at 25 yards but there were some branches so not worth the risk. Eventually she wanders back into the hemlocks.

Andy blew a shot on a buck he saw...shot right under it...he didn't see that buck till 9:30.

At least the sun is out! Will be back out tonight...not sure if same stand or a different one, depending on the wind.

How'd the rest of ya do the 2nd morning?

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saw nothing but squirrels till 9... I got bored and decided to mess around with my phone and take a panoramic shot... I was standing up, making all kinds of movement when i hear walking to my right... I look down and there is a little button buck, not 10 yards away, walking along,doesn't even know im there... I take a photo of him and hear more walking, look to my right again, what do ya know it! another button buck, him too just as stupid as his brother... they hang around for a few minutes, neither ever knew i was in my stand...

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