Somekind of stupid!!


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I don't know what happened to my brain today, but I somehow forgot it this morning and left it at the house when I went to hunt.:hammer1:

I was about to climb out of my stand at 930 to make church this morning. My wife is away visiting her sister in MO so I could get away with a little morning hunt. As I was turning around to grab my bag I saw three does that had made their way behind me without my knowing. I haven't hunted this stand in about a year so some limbs have grown up not allowing shots in the area that they were feeding.

After about twenty min. of watching these does skirt right along the areas I couldn't shoot a young doe walks into a shooting lane and beds down. The two other deer were still feeding around so I figured I'd hold off and see if I could get a shot at one of the larger does.

10 min. later the other two does bed down. At this point I'm racking my brain on the yardage. My range finder broke and I've not had the money to buy another one yet. This stand I'm in is a lot higher than the others I hunt from, and it seemed to skew my perception.

Decided to take the young doe, and held for 30 yards. Clipped a limb!! She stood up, walked into another shooting lane trying to figure out what had just happened. I convinced myself that I had not made a bad yardage call, it was just the limb. Let the arrow fly... right over her back.

Got down from the stand, walked it off, and I was about six yard off. Just barely missed over her back. I'm sick!!

Maybe next time I'll take my brain with me. Need to make a note so I'll not forget to pack it.

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