Late Last Night


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so i know this has nothing to do with hunting. but i thought it was awesome!:clown:

I had a hip hop performance last night at a local University which is about 25 minutes south of my place. on my way to the dance, i picked up one of my girfriends who was also performing. we got there about 15 minutes early which gave us some last minute practicing.

after everyone else started too show up, the dance got started. dance was great! we went on stage at about 10:30 for our performance and did pretty good (i think.)

after the dance was over, most people were going to be going to a club. we had thought about going over but instead decided to go home.

We left Provo and started home. As we came up the hill that leads from Provo to Orem (sorry if you don't know what towns i'm talking about) we saw a guy driving a Chevy Silverado in front of us. at first i didn't pay much attention to him. but then i noticed he was swerving a lot in and out of lanes and wasn't using his blinker (which is weird for Utah County) and was driving way under the speed limit. I thought about calling the cops but decided to follow him for a couple minutes before calling it in.

I grabbed my phone when i saw him make a right hand turn. all i can say is it was scary...:jaw: I followed him and got into the lane next to him so i could get a description of the driver. I called the police and let the dispatcher know what was going on :phone:

I let them know who i was and what direction we were going.

we were driving right along side the truck at one point when my friend started to scream. i looked over and the truck was swerving right for us :eek:

I started to slow down and get into the next lane so we could get away from him. i told dispatch what he was doing and got behind him. he started to swerve again, this time towards the right shoulder, where a 15 (ish) year old was riding his bike. i'm getting really concerned at this point. :48:

We keep following him when suddenly he pulls off the road (onto the shoulder) and stops. I kept driving (i wasn't gonna stop right behind crazy.) about a block ahead from where he stopped was a car sales lot. I pulled into it, turned off my headlights, and parked waiting for him to start driving again. after a couple minutes he does. I pull back onto the road after him and continue to follow him. he turns down another and starts speeding off (now i know he knows we're following him.) i keep following letting dispatch know that we just turned.

out of nowhere, he swerves across 3 lanes of traffic (again no blinker) to get into the left turn lane. i just kept going straight (the street he was turning onto wasn't brightly lit.) i look in my rearview mirror and saw the reds and blues turn on right behind him. :clap: I told dispatch that they got him. she said to go and pull up behind the officer.

when the driver of the truck got out, my friend and i started to feel bad because his arm was in a sling:crutch:but we quickly got over it.

the officer administered a field sobriety test (which the driver failed.)

by this time, 3 other officers had reported. one of them parking right beside me and the other behind me. we were trapped.

the officers found some drugs in the truck and arrested the driver.

they put him in the cruiser right beside my door. my friend and i looked away so he wouldn't see us. but i couldn't help it...i peeked...and frickin heck that guy was pissed :angry:(it was kinda funny. he got caught by 2 teenagers)

i know one of the officers really well and he came over to talk to me while i finished filling out my witness statement. he saw how much i was writing and just rolled his eyes. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

it was a super fun chase and i'm glad we got that guy off the street!!! i had a blast. it was a great way to end the night

:gunsmilie: clearing the road one drunk driver at a time!!! Oh yeah!!! :gunsmilie:

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Having lost three friends (including one in the infamouse GM side saddle gas tank case) to drunk drivers, I can say that I applaud your actions...except the whole hip hop thing! :D

I have done the same on probably three or four occasions including one where I saw a dude smoking a crack pipe going down the interstate in rush hour traffic. Sadly, the cops didn't seem to care about any of them but did manage to pull over the crack pipe dude. Mostly, I get the 'we will keep an eye out for them'. Not once did they let me stay on the line and direct police to the drunks/druggies.

I would suggest though that in the future you be a little more cautious in the future and follow a little farther back...getting up beside a drunk is dangerous business.


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Nice job Dance...Thanks for getting another drunk off the road...just be careful out there. Please?

Way too many wackos that have no regard for others.

Yep Anthony has this right. Good job for sure, but you definitely need to be careful, just never can tell what some nuts out there might do nowadays.

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Agreed. There is really a great number of drunk drivers, and people under the influence of drugs all over us., it totally freaked me out the other morning when I watched a car across from me huff from a water bong, holding up traffic., he was called in, no idea if that idiot got caught..haven't seen his thug car or him lately on the roads. Be safe, and always remain a distance from these idiots, because believe it or not, idiots have access to guns too. al

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okay ya'll!!! let me clear a couple things up that i don't think i said in the story. :)

I wasn't following the driver close at all. sorry if i made it sound like i was. i got up to him twice the entire time. once when i was next to him and the 2nd time when i got his license (and even then i stayed a safe distance away)

I've been in an accident before because of someone tailgating so i know the consequences of that. i stayed more than the legal distance away from him. i just wanted to keep him in my sight :)

I know it was dangerous to get along side him. my intention had been to pass him and get his description. i know it's stupid to be driving next to a drunk. unfortunately, a car from his lane pulled right in front of me preventing me from passing.

Also, my dad's a police officer and i'm actually really close with the dispatcher i was talking to. she asked if i felt okay with following him. i told her i was going to until i saw a coop pull him over (she knows i was serious too.) i've been on a lot of ride-a-longs in my life with many different departments.

I talked about it with my dad and my cop buddy who showed up (he's also the one i do alcohol buys with and we're way tight) about my actions. I told them why i did what i did and both of them were very supportive with my decisions. i also spoke to my friends father about it and he told me that while he was worried when he found out we were following a drunk, he said he knew that i would keep his daughter safe from harm.

Thanks for all the concern you've shown, i really appreciate it and it does mean a lot. don't think i'm blowing this off as no big deal because i know i could've been shot or shoved off the road Saturday night.

I do know the risks of pulling up beside a suspected drunk and i've thought about those risks. i've taken numerous Law Enforcement classes and plan on entering the academy as soon as i'm old enough.

Next time this happens, i will be more careful and keep a little more distance between me and the idiot behind the wheel. :D

Edited by dance.and.shoot
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