My 12 year old's 1st buck.


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Well my daughter got her first buck today. Yesterday the does just wouldn't come within range so we hoped for some cooperation today. We got to our favorite spot at sunup and the deer were not moving at all. No shots either which was strange. At about 8:00 we heard a gunshot right behind us and all of the sudden a little 3x4 came running by. I did the worst deer bleat sound you've ever heard and it actually stopped. shocked.gif Emilie had just a second and got the crosshairs on and center punched it. Made a perfect 138 yd shot with her little 260 throwing 100 grain partitions. She hit a little low but took out both legs and the heart and a lung. I couldn't believe it. Last year she got her first, a doe and now she's a stone cold buck killer.

I got a decent 4x4 on saturday. Sorry for the bad pics. Forgot the camera so the cell phone had to do.



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Way to go on your first buck! I remember mine like it was yesterday. That is something she will never forget and no matter how big of a buck she kills that one will be one of the most memorable with her dad.

I know my first buck with my dad is the best buck I've ever gotten. Just the time spent in the woods.

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