Coyote calls


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Hey guys . I am just starting to do some coyote hunting and I am really startin to like it. When we went out last year I called in 3 to about 800 yards with my Lohman circe long range rabbit model p-1 call but they wouldn't come closer. I know it is just because they seen us, this year I am gonna try and find a better spot to be hiden. I also have a knight and hale e-z howler. It works all right but I know I am doin somethin wrong. I am planning on doing a fair bit of coyote hunting this winter hopefully. I would like to get some open read calls because here in Sask it can get very cold and open reads won't freeze up. I am thinking about getting a Primo's Lil Dog and a Les Johnson Ruffy Dawg coaxer. But I am still lookin around at different ones. I was just wondering what you guys would reccomend for a good quality call that isn't too hard to use. And are open calls any harder to use then regular calls.


Edited by Muleyman
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Hey Carson,

I havent tried that les johnson call so i cant comment but i do have the Primos Lil dog. It is very easy to use and it can double as a distress call as well as a howler. It is a open reed concept type of call but it does tend to freeze a little bit. Just keep it in your mouth for a few seconds than your good to go.

Good luck chasin those song dogs!

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Mouth Calls -


I use a Wildlife Technologies electronic game call, but...

I know exactly who can answer your questions on this hand call matter.

If you post this quetstion on the forum at predator professionals, you'll get your answers. The gentleman who started that board, Rich Higgins, is a world recognized coyote vocalization specialist and his son, Tyler, is the current Arizona State coyote calling champion. They are both masters with hand calls and use many different types from many different call makers.

Just type in predator professisionals forum in google and you'll find it.

Best of luck to you,

Mark Healy

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just wait till next month I will take you out one day and show you the calls, As youseen last week when I showed you open reed can get a whole lot more sound with them, plus never had one freeze up!come out with me one day and you can tell for yourself by all the coyotes that come in what ones you would like! BTW tell your bro to call me!!

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