Anyone out there ever feel like this?


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I've hit a strange point in my life, where hunting has taken on a different feel...a different meaning. I have three sons who are developing the same passion for the outdoors as their dad - for this, I am so thankful and so very pleased. The thing is, I have little enthusiasm right now to actually pull the trigger. All I want do is teach my kids as much as I can and help them every step of the way as they become outdoorsmen. I've quit carrying a gun in the woods at times, and like this last weekend, where three of us had antelope tags, I had no intention of filling mine, but was overwhelmed with joy and pride as my two sons of hunting age each filled their tag with beautiful bucks. I so enjoy the role of father, guide, mentor and pulling the trigger myself is second fiddle right now. I suppose when they are grown and own their own, the fire will be re-lit. Can any of you parents, grandparents, etc. relate to this? I'd be curious to know.

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I feel similar to that every time I have already filled my tags.

I still want to get out there and enjoy the outdoors. I love just being there and watching my friends fill their tags, and especially love it if they shoot something bigger than I already have. If I can still get involved in simple ways, like suggesting where they should sit, and just trying to help set them up for a good chance at a nice animal, it's like I'm still hunting. I love it when my buddy Ken who has a disability finally gets out there during the rut. I'd do anything (legal that is...LOL) to see that he fills his tag with something good. Sometimes I think it makes me feel better when I see him shoot something, than when I do.

And I can't wait until my wife takes the course and takes her first deer, because I'll be there, to coach her along, with a camera, to catch that magic moment and memory.

There's no better feeling than to see someone, whom I love, not only get involved with something that has been such a great part of my life, but also to be there when they take that first one, or in my friends case, their umpteenth one :yes:

Your "Strange point in your life" as you call it, just goes to prove that there is a lot more to hunting than killing something. ;);)

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Lost my desire to kill in '03 and part of '04 when I was in limbo with my 3rd and 4th rounds of cancer. At the heart of it was the fact that I just couldn't bring myself to kill. It was a pity/passion thing for the animals. Part of it was I was worried about what might happen and I just tended to brood about it while on stand, and it wasn't fun.

As far as the dad thing, yeah, a little bit, but I think it's because I'm thinking "man, if Joe kills a deer, we won't have room in the freezer..." :D

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I went through the same thing when my son came of age to hunt and be the shooter. He came along with me a lot even before he was old enough to do the shooting. He had the hunting bug bad when he was young. I never carried a weapon when he was the shooter and I got more excited when he killed one than if I had killed it myself. I was the pack mule/guide/mentor/father.

I'll never forget his first deer. We both got the uncontrolable shakes after he killed that deer! I sure miss those days before he started hunting on his own. He's 22 now and spends more time hunting with his buds than dear old dad. Oh well...time to give him a call to let him know I'm thinking about him.

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I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have 3 sons of my own who too are hunters and outdoorsmen. When we are afield, I stay back with the camera and marvel as they do their thing, and things I have taught. Brings tears to my eyes. My best times ever afield, have been with my sons.

I know what your feeling ;).

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I also know the feeling.

I don't have a kid that is of hunting age yet, but lately I just don't care if I kill a deer or not when a few years ago it meant EVERYTHING to me to get a deer every year. Now I am happy to see deer and let them walk and I just don't feel like killing anything anymore. I don 't know whats up.

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