Remington 770

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I used to say that Remington has never made a bad gun. Then a few years ago they made the 710, The 770 is an improved version of the 710. However it is still a piecs of crap and I would not take one if you gave it to me.

I would spend a few Hundred more and get a Remington 700. If you are set on that price range Savage, Weatherby Vanguard or Marlin all make rifles in this price range.

Stay as far away from that 770 as you can get.


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Gotta agree with some of the others...Rem. md. 700 are good shooters....the model 710 and 770...well...there is a reason why the prices are cheaper.

If your looking to buy a different cal./gun for her in that price range...I'd look a Weatherby Vanguard. But the .30-06 is a great round...let her shoot that!

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I know this is the age of producing cheap economical guns brought to us by the likes of Wally World. How can Marlin, Savage, Weatherby and others make decent economy guns and Remington can not. I cant figure this out, their 710,715 and 770 bolt guns are made cheaply ala the pressed in barrels, plasctic bolt sleves as well as very cheap stocks. Why can the others make a conventional bolt gun cheaply but yet not "throw away" type rifles?

I dont think there us any question these will shoot minute of deer and last a a fellow that runs a box of ammo through it every 3 years a lifetime. If that's what you want go for it but there are better rifles to be had in the same price range.

For about $280 a Marlin XL or XS 7 can be had and it's twice the rifle a 710,715 or770 is.

I purchased one last year just to ring out and it's a solid gun and a great value. I recently shot some Krylon on the stock.



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god love my wife!! She bought me a rifle three yrs ago for christmas not knowing anything about them!!She went to a local gun store and they took her for a 770 in 30-06!! For a cheapy the guns trigger is good and is really accurate!!I shoot alot of ammo through it and it has never done me wrong But it's NOT my t/c,browning,rem.700xcr!!If it's your price range and it shoulders you alright go for it!!!

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