nother season all done!!


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well I have called her quits for the 2004/2005 varmet season, down from last year with good hides but pretty well even with coyotes alltogether! ended up with 116 coyotes, 93 good ones only, mange and rubbing was bad this year,8 fox and 3 badgers, Was a tough year with the warm weather than snow to block most of the good spots, then a rain to make everythign crunchy so i could just walk up old dirt roads couse the field sounded like walkign on glass with the crust on the snow! All in all was a good year, sure glad its over now, since nov 1 when I started I have been out every daylight hour not working,then every night skinning, scraping or fleshing them,sure gets to ware a person down! I figured it out this year I am gettign a animal about every 3.5hours out there,this year I again marked down all the days I spent what i got,wind speed wind direction weather and all, been seeing like most of the coyotes I got were with a west to norht west wind,no idea why but my best days were, south wind was terrable,no idea if thsi means anyhtign or just the spots I called were best suatable for these winds, but i am going to keep this in mind in future years and see if I can figure these buggers out a bit more! Also we had 2 big storms,one boxing day and one new years day both christmas day and eve I got 4 coyotes in less then 4 hours each day each spot I called in some, and new years eve got 5 in the day, I do know for a fact beforee a big storm get out there !!

PS I ahve abotu 55 hides I am selling on sat i will try to get soem pics of them !

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