Pig hunt success!!


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Sounds like you guys had a good time. If you don't mind me asking, did you go through an outfitter or did you do it on your own? The reason I ask is that I'm looking to book a hunt in January and am not having a lot of luck finding an outfitter that doesnt charge an arm and a leg.


This hunt was on 160 acres which is fenced in. It cost $500 for two pigs, any size. You only pay for what you shoot. Shoot one, only pay for one. Don't shoot any and you are only out the $50 deposit you put down. You will definatley not sit without having a shot at numerous hogs. And I mean numerous. It was nothing to have 20 or more pigs in at one time. The catch is, you draw blood, you bought the pig. In our party, two of the guys shot pigs we tracked and couldn't find. They paid $500 and took one pig home.

I would recommend this place. In fact, we are already looking at booking to go back sometime next year.

Jimmy and Christine (the owners) and Shane (guy who runs the ranch) are great people! You couldn't ask for better hosts.

Again, if you are thinking of going hog hunting, this place is worth the look. Pricewise it will be hard to find a hunt that costs less.

If anyone has questions, shoot me a pm and I'll get back to you.

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About time!! LOL It looks like you had a great trip! Nice pigs! Now get back to work so I can get my Vacations planned for next year!!!

So I'm mentally challenged when it comes to this whole computer/picture/posting thing. Give me a break!

As far as the vacation thing for next year, you'll have to wait until next week. I have yet to sit in my treestand and try to shoot a monster buck!!

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