blackpowder changes

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OK I feel like an idiot on this one, Ran out of Goex FF, went to Wal-Mart and bought FFF without looking at the can. We are taught FF for rifles/Sabots, FFF rifles/ball ammo. After shooting for two hours and realizing my mistake that I did buy FFF Goex Synthetic, other the grouping differences what is the real differance other the grains.

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A smaller (volume) charge of 3F will have the same weight as a larger (volume) charge of 2F. If you weigh out your charges, then you should be OK, if you volume measure (almost everybody does this) then you can back it off some to get the same charge with the 3F that you used to have with 2F. How much, you ask? Can't tell you that off the top of my head.


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The fff is a little finer grain powder, so it burns a little hotter and you will get a little more velocity out of the same volume. I have also heard that it seems to burn a little cleaner. The fff should be fine in your rifle as long as you are getting the accurracy you want.

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Share on other sites so we're clear...FF is for conicals and sabots and FFF is for patched round balls?? :confused: What if a person, say myself...hypothetically speaking :D, shoots both conicals and patched round balls out of the same rifle? :confused:

Dakota :)

FF can be used for both conicals and roundballs. Most of the time it is FF in the muzzle with a round ball or conical and the FFF is used as the ignition systems. IE: flintlock.

good luck to all

the dog

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