Deer Mount Question


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Lets say that I wanted to sell a deer mount that I had, probably a 115" 8 pointer. Very Nice mount got it done in 2003, and just want to get a little extra money to maybe get another deer that I have harvested mounted. Who would be potential markets to try and sell to and get the most money from my mount?

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WELL, you can try

-ebay always some on there,


-try putting stuff up on the local sporting goods stores pin up boards,

-can go ask your taxidermist if he has had anyone come in looking for a mount.

-can always look for a state hunting sight, I'm on Michigans Sportsman Forums, I'm sure there's one for your state too.

-you chould post it here once you get some more cash

-If you have a good taxidermist he might give you some value for the mount so he can sell the mount and give you some value towards the new one

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It was a pretty neat hunt. It was a really steady cold rain on Nov. 20, 2003. I was hunting a field that is probably 400 yards long and I would say no more than 30-40 yards wide. I just pulled up to a spot there on the creek bank got off of my 4-wheeler and set up right directly in front of it. I was only out to try and harvest a doe for my aunt so my intention was not completley out for a buck, although the rut was in full force so I never doubted the chance of it.

About 15 minutes after I got set up, I noticed a couple of deer hauling butt down the hill to my right, so I got ready for a shot. The two does basically busted it across the field with no chance for a shot even though I tried to stop them. About 30 seconds later coming down the same trail was another deer coming pretty fast, when he came out in the field he was in a hot trot coming straight at me grunting every step of the way. He started at 80 yds and once I got the crosshairs on his chest and pulled the trigger, he was at about 10 yards. He died just 15 yards from where I was sitting directly in front of me. The fastest hunt I've been on!

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My old taxidermist told me my 161 inch deer would bring about $700.00. I didn't ask him where or from whom because I wasn't interested.

If you really are determined to sell it you may want to try a bar or restaurant that would be interested in hanging a deer head on the wall.

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