Who's Bluelk?

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Here's what I can pass on. His true name is Rich Dunkirk. He passed away several years ago, from what I can't remeber. Bluelk was a ML GURU, to say the least, and a well respected member/moderator here at RT. I know others had the chance toi meet him and get to know him better, and I am sure they will chime in with some better info

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Anyone remember his epic mountain man trek he and his buddy took on mules? They traveled South to North throught the Rockies hunting and living as they went, and the goal I think was to make it to Canada. His daughter or somebody used to post updates. It was awesome.

Rich was a sporting goods distributor or something to that effect, so he got to live his passion to some degree. Nice guy, to boot.

RIP, bluelk.


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