Should have went fishing


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To start, I am heading out hunting this morning when I realize I left my quiver in the house. I turn around 10 minutes back to the house, get the quiver and back on the road. I get to the spot, get dressed grab my bow and off I go.

Get to the trail and... aw, crap, my flashlight stopped working. Dang! Back to the truck after rooting through my pack for my spare.

Back at the truck...gosh dang it! I put my keys under a rock near my truck and have to feel my way to find the rock.:helpsmilie:

Yes, I found it! Grab the keys, fumble and find the other light, lock the door and off I go.

I can see light over the horizon. My hike is at least 10 minutes in. I am moving much to fast so I pace myself so I don't sound like a herd of cape buffalo crashing through the swamp. I get to the tree find and place my starter steps, tie the safety rope snap on the harness and up I go. A little perspiration is flooding my glasses and my long johns are a little foggy. I climb above the platform of the hang on and step in. I take off my hat and retie my safety rope to the tree above the fork and snap the harness line. Hang my pack in its usual spot along with my camera bag. Grab the strapper and,

"MAN, DON'T TELL ME!" :eek:

I forgot to clip my bow to the strap!:no: I finally wipe down my glasses, take a breath or two and rearrange the long johns. Unsnap the harness, untie the rope, retie the rope, re snap the harness, down I go with the strapper clip in hand. I get to the bottom clip on the bow and up I go. Redo it all and finally pull up the bow with every rooster in the county crowing in daylight!

Soaking wet, just a little PERTURBED, but we are hunting now! :yes: I sit and listen for anything unusual and watch east toward the back side of the swamp to the big bean fields beyond. The wind is in my face and the deer should be coming into view anytime now. About 15 minutes go by and,


Here I sit waiting on deer and my release is not strapped to my wrist....ay yi yi yi yi!:bang:

Needless to say I sat until noon without seeing anything but little critters and birds. Nice morning though! I took my time going out and I get back to the rock and the keys are not there! They are laying on the seat where I left them!:no:

Thank goodness I had a spare in my wallet, but

"OH NO!" :death:

Yep, you guessed it! Good thing I have roadside assistance on my insurance policy. That locksmith certainly has a racket going there!:rolleyes:

You can't imagine what happened on the evening hunt. I'll save that for another time.

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On the bright side, at least you were hunting and no matter the outcome we should all thank the lord for the oppurtunity to be afield!

I didn't see a bright side, 'cept for maybe he didnt fall out of the tree! I dont mind not seeing deer, but that's a pretty bad hunt right there in my book, esp when you gotta pay the locksmith.

Never had it that bad, Mike, sounds like you had some real bad luck. Never fails though, the more frustrated and hurried we get the more mistakes we always make. There'll be better days though.

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