sighting in new sight help


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I can only go to this indoor rifle range to make sure my sight is still on, but my problem is the rifle range is only 25 yards. My question is that if i shoot at 25 yards where should i be hitting to make it dead on at 100 yards. as in 1inch high or 1 inch low. just need a little help on this. I am shooing a 270 ruger m77 with a 130gr ballistic tip.

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Obviously sighting in at 25 yards is not the best way to do things but if it is the only option it is better than not sighting in at all.

Assuming your scope is mounted low on the rifle and is close to the axis of the bore. At 25 yards a 270 with 130 gr. bullets sighted dead on will be very close to dead on at 100 yards all so.

Once again this is not an exact method of sighting in and I would advise you check it at 100 yards at your first opportunity. However, once again it is better than not sighting in at all.


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