Montana Live Hunt ..Tim Andrus

Tim Andrus

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They made it!

Just got off the phone with Tim. They made it to Billings, MT with no problems or delays. All of their gear and guns arrived without problems as well. Weather is in the high 50's and some clouds in the sky. They were getting the truck loaded up and heading out to do some scouting tonight before they start hunting tomorrow.

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I got a call from Tim in my tree stand about 3pm S. Dakota time. Tim is a little down, things are not turning out as they had planned. Apparently the land owner was not completely upfront with them. Tim is unable to scout the property because pheasant hunters are using the property as well. He has only seen one buck. To make matters worse the corn on the property is not cut and the deer are hiding in it. Tomorrow is opening day and they are going to try to turn lemons into lemonade. Lets all send some good vibes Tim's way because he could use some cheering up.

I cannot answer any questions right now as I am in an Adirondack hunting camp. I will answer any questions that you may have tomorrow.

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