5 Hour Energy Drink


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  • 2 weeks later...

A lot of people are mixing Red Bull with vodka...even nightclubs do it. A stimulant and a depressant together = not good! Make up your mind...do I want to get revved up tonight or wind down...but don't do both. Red Bull is just sugar, caffeine and taurine, an amino acid that stimulates the central nervous system. Crash for sure after a couple of Red Bulls.

5 Hour Energy and 6 Hour Power? They are not bad. Ingredient wise, 6 Hour Power is better. They both contain stimulants without any protection to your adrenal system. That causes side effects and dehydration.

I know of 2 products that were designed to give energy, clear mind and focus without stressing the adrenal system and it actually protects the body's organs. I won't mention it here because I formulated the products and still sell them.

High caffeine consumed on regular basis will only make your body require and crave more caffeine. Eventually leading to stress on the body's organs and dehydration (and a suppressed immune system...getting sick?). PLEASE wean yourselves off HIGH caffeine drinks and try to use more teas or get used to only a cup of coffee a day. Start drinking MORE WATER! the funny thing is...caffeine is very good at dehydrating you. What happens when you get dehydrated? You get TIRED and run down. Sometimes just getting hydrated again will give you your energy back.

Diet...that can be discussed for days. But, a poor diet and infrequent meals makes you...can anyone guess? You got it...TIRED.

If anyone wants/needs more help with diet, energy, supplement questions, anything nutritional...just let me know. I LOVE this stuff...yes, I'm a nutritional biochemistry nerd but its what I love to do. I'm happy to help. You gotta be healthy to hunt.

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