if you could....

layin on the smackdown

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Well, I am getting to go and hunt with Randy here in a little over a week, sure that is going to be a blast. Have met quite a few members and hope to continue to meet more. Have hopes that I will get to take my oldest daughter and go and hunt with Steve Beilgard next fall, sure that is also going to be a great time. Also planning on going to hunt with Frank(rookieee) next fall.

Think it would be a blast to hunt with Chris and Tom. Lots of members here that would be a lot of fun to hunt with. Someday hope to get to hunt with Mike(ruttinbuc), would be really cool to be able to make a forum get together hunt.

We do have Michael Waddell here as a member, sure lots of folks would like to hunt with him and I would not turn down the opportunity, also have the Ciancurillos(Ralph and Vicky) and we have seen Kandi Kisky post some. Could not turn down the opportuity to hunt with any of those people.

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Shoot, there's so many great folks on here Dan, I dont think I could list them all! If you ever have a spare deer like that cull you got as your avatar you could throw an old boy like me, I'd be honored to come hunt with you :D

Of course, I hear up in IL they stop you at the state line and get $500 out of your pocket just for the privilege of seeing the deer on the side of the road. :clown:

Edited by redkneck
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I would have to say Buckee. All I would need to bring is my knife. Plus I would get to say 'EH' all the time.

Way to many to mention but any of the members from OHIO or OKLAHOMA. I mean have you seen the deer that come from those two states. Nothing in Wisconsin even comes close.:hammer1:

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There's quite a few I'd like to hunt with Dan.

Not in any particular order but here's some off the top of my head:





Tim Andrus


Steve B.







and the list goes on......................................................

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I'd have to say:

Steve K. (Buckee)

Will C. (KT)

Luke (VH)

Chris (Tomin.)

Tom (O.B.)

Kyle (Kat)

Dan (L.O.T.S.)


Randy Oitker (I've talked with him and his dad, mostly his dad :D, at Steve B.'s but I've never actually hunted with him.)

I've hunted with Steve B. twice and hope to do so many more times in the future. Steve's never steered me wrong (except telling me to put my 40 yard pin instead of my 30 on a 36 yard Booner goat :D) and was there when I shot my first elk and my second big game bow kill. :cool: Thanks for your friendship, Steve! ;)

Dakota :)

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I've been fortunate enough to share a hunting camp with Gator, MCH, Griz, Roadkill10, Hutch, and some of their friends during our oklahoma hunts we used to have. I am going to hunt with my buddy Kevin ( MCH ) a few times this year as usual, and I'm even going to fly up to Ohio on Halloween to hunt with Chris and maybe Tom if he can make it. I'd go hunting with just about anyone from these forums, but if I had to choose a few heres who I'd take...

My buddy mike from Iowa....we already have plans in the works.

Ben (92) I don't know if we'd ever get to hunting before we prolly got thrown in jail lol.

Will ( KT )

Casey Hoyt Corn


Tim Andrus

Randy Oitker

Steve Douglass

and several more whose names are slippin my mind at the moment.

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you know, this thread just may be on to something. why don't members here, when they have a good supply of animals, invite others from the forums to hunt with them. i'm going to email scott on this right now.

I've said it before, any of my RT buds are welcome to hunt with me anytime you get this far south. Just give me a little heads up as to when you'll come through.

Tags? We dont need no stinking tags here! :D

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Can I trade Tominator for another member? The 5 year test drive has about run it's course....... :D :D

That's a knee slapper :clown::clown::clown:

I've already been hunting with a good list of folks on here, and man oh man would I ever like to make that list longer. There are so many fine folks in here, that I would just love to share camp with, including the above two nut cases ..LOL :):)

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