Your luck with attractants


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A friend had bought a couple bags of the Acorn rage, we put some out on his land were we see many deer and they will not even look at it so he gave me a bag.I put it out on my land were I see very few deer and it does not last a day , but nothing has came to it during the day , and I am huge on sent control so I don't feel its me maybe its time for a trail cam.

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the only kind of attractants i use are scent kinds for making mock scrapes. once the mock scrapes are going, i only use a light cover scent.

i do not want a food source attractant near my stand, plus its not allowed here in Iowa. if i could have it i would rather have it 100 yards from my stand and then watch the trail leading to it. when i have hunted over food sources, like corn, beans or acorns, i have found the dang deer are there when i get there, which makes for spooking them. deer will only tolerate so much intrusion into there world, before they wise up.

this is why i prefer to hunt funnels that lead to and from feeding and bedding areas. i find i can get into my stands without spooking them and thats a huge key when the rut gets near. hunting does that dont know your there is probably the biggest key to getting a crack at a very large buck.

if you are allowed to use an attractant like the cmere deer product, what the heck take a shot and see if it works, if it doesnt, then your just out a few bucks. make sure its legal for your area and i would make sure i followed the instructions very closely. deer are very sensitive to human scent. i would lay the stuff out right before it rains and let the rain wash my scent away.

plus you have to remember, that these are not miracle products it wont make deer go to a place where they dont already go and if they are already there near your stand, then why do you need to use it? lol


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Never tried cmere deer or any of those particular type attractants, but do use minerals and have had very good results with our mineral sites. Far as scent type attractants have had good luck with scrape drippers with active scrape. Think the best scents I have used around the rut has been bf rut synthetic and James Valley scents lure. Tinks 69 here seems to work ok.

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Here in PA you cannot bait so c'mere deer and acorn rage are not allowed, however I tried Tink's 69 and seen nothing, switched to Special Golden Estrus - last year had a 5-pt circling me an entire morning, and evening after he busted me in my stand, and missed a 10-pt bout 10mins before shooting light ended he came in like a tank, sounded like someone pushing the woods for me.

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During the heat of the rut here where I hunt in NW Oklahoma and at my parents place tinks 69 or just about any doe in estrous is a friggin magnet for bucks. I never leave home without a bottle of piss during november. I use regular doe urine during the early season as a cover. As far as baits....I use corn. I don't use it often, but when I need a deer to move a bit closer than they have been, I'll put corn where I want em to go.

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Have tried just about everything, Nothings guarnteed, Am trying Deer Dander as a cover scent this year ain't been busted so far. The only thing that I found that used to work is a persimmon odor gel that had no food value. On a piece of property that I used to hunt I had 12 does around me at once. I think they quit making it, havent seen it in two years at Wally World.

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Doe estrus. Not sure how great they are at pulling deer in from far distances, but many traveling close will stop to smell it giving me a shot! The deer below had walked by me into a field just out of bow range. I had a doe estrus wafer hanging on a fence about 20 yards from me. Once he got down wind of the waffer (lucky he smalled it before me) he stopped, turned and came right to it. As he smelled it I had my shot. October 12th 06.



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I've used all kinds of scents throughout all phases of the rut in past years and i would say any of them "worked". They may stop deer long enough for a shot, but i think i see less deer when using scents. I think it alarms smarter deer. I have used Deer Dander as a cover scent in the past, but very sparingly and it seemed to work ok. As luck would have no one carries it around me anymore for some reason.

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