Broken hearted and disgusted...


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Well, I guess I'm posting this because I feel so terrible about a decision I made this morning to shoot a small buck in the chest at 12 yards. I had 2 bucks come into my area, I was up in a tree stand and decided on the one with bigger rack. I had to stand to make the shot and when I did, he bolted and his smaller friend was clueless and just froze with his chest fully facing me real close. I immediately rotated to put my pin on his chest and had about a 2 second deliberation in my mind as to whether to take the shot - this is only my second season to hunt which might explain the really poor decision I made to take the shot. I guess I thought thought since he was so close, the 3-blade broadhead would bust his chest and hit the lungs. I hit middle of his chest just off-center, and he ran with the arrow sticking out of him. I lost sight at about 50 yds and he went down a steep creek bank.

I want everyone to know that I feel absolutely sick at myself for doing it - I really knew better and just got overly excited. Well, needless to say, after a thorough search about 2 hours later, I was unable to find either a deer or a single drop of blood. Because of my inexperience, I really need some seasoned hunters to give me feedback on this. Do you think the deer will die? Did I just wound him and he's running around with an arrow stuck in his chest? I'm just about to give up hunting after this...I hate the way I feel and I just don't know what to think of it. I'll probably go back again this afternoon and look some more, but I don't even know if a shot like that could kill him or how long it would take for him to die. LIke I said, any kind of feedback would help...thanks - Tim

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If anything there is a lesson to be learned from the experience. No telling what will happen to the deer. He could be laying dead and you overlooked him or the arrow may have looked like it was in his chest. Tough to guess. Do a grid search and look everywhere. Check out every bush and dead fall. Surprising how they can curl up into a small place and you walk right by.

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Welcome to the forums Tim! Yea I'll bet the deer will die. If you didn't get vitals odds are that he will die of infection. I know the feeling you have right now. Most bow hunters do. I've made some poor decisions and learned from them just as you have. The bad decisions have not kept me out of the woods, I'm just more selective on my shots now. I know how hard it is sometimes to let a deer go becasue the shot isn't right. Guess what, you'll have no trouble now. Get back out there and make the next shot a good one!

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Welcome to the forums Tim and don't beat yourself up to bad. your story is better than hearing you took a head shot since that was your only shot.

A full frontal shot can and is a lethal shot if you place the arow just right. The brisket is a tough area to get through and a good sturdy broadhead will do it. However, there is the area that is known as the triangle on a frontal shot and it's on either side of the brisket bone. I've taken a few deer with this shot and watched them fall within sight with the arrow having a complete pass through. "this shot is not recommended and more so no recommened for a novice bowhunter."

More than likely you have made a killing shot on this buck and with you being so excited about this situation. You've walked past blood or even the deer. take your time and go slow. Good luck and use this situation to your advantage in the future.

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Welcome to the forums Tim and don't beat yourself up to bad. your story is better than hearing you took a head shot since that was your only shot.

A full frontal shot can and is a lethal shot if you place the arow just right. The brisket is a tough area to get through and a good sturdy broadhead will do it. However, there is the area that is known as the triangle on a frontal shot and it's on either side of the brisket bone. I've taken a few deer with this shot and watched them fall within sight with the arrow having a complete pass through. "this shot is not recommended and more so no recommened for a novice bowhunter."

More than likely you have made a killing shot on this buck and with you being so excited about this situation. You've walked past blood or even the deer. take your time and go slow. Good luck and use this situation to your advantage in the future.

I agree with SS here...i know of a few individuals who have taken that shot as well, and all have recovered the is not a high percentage shot at all, but there is no need for me to elaborate on that, as i am sure you understand...and yes, your nerves can sometimes get the best of you, it happens....take this and learn.

as far as recovering the animal, give it some time. Theres a good chance that with him running, he is only making the wound larger as the arrow moves around. go back and take your time...better yet, get a buddy and go back, the more eyes the better. Like Fly said above, if you can't find blood, grid search until you do...if you have water on your property, go there...more times than not, a wounded deer will go to or near water and bed down...with any luck he may have bedded down and expired. Good luck

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Well, first of all, I REALLY appreciate the feedback. You guys were nicer than I feel like I deserved and I will get over this, but I still feel pretty rotten. It's now 6 pm in Oklahoma and I did go back with a buddy and walk practically every square yard within 100 yards of where I last saw him. We even went into some REALLY thick stuff where I think a lot of deer are bedding and just went back and forth trying to step on him. We came up empty. We walked the creek up and down for a couple of hundred yards as well, and just couldn't find any blood or anything. I'm seriously bummed, but its just not gonna happen. I'd say the only good to come from this, is I never want to feel this way about doing that to another deer, and I will only take a shot that I feel 100% about. I'm serious - this takes all the fun out of the sport when this happens. I would rather just not see a deer, or completely miss than take a questionable shot.

I also tried to find a diagram of the front of a deer's chest, but only see side shots. I just want to see what I hit - I mean it was obviously a bone because the arrow didn't pass - and where the kill spot is on a frontal shot. Not so I can do this again, but just for the knowledge. Anyway - thanks again for the feedback. I really mean that.

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this type of shot can be deadly but you have to have a slight angle. the frontal shot with and angle, allows for te arrow to get both lungs and arteries to the heart.

this buck you shot is dead. more than likely, you got 1 lung and liver depending on how far the arrow went in. if you hit the liver, its always fatal. you can get 1 lung and the deer can survive, but if you hit the liver, the deer will always die.

its unfortunate what happened, but its a learning lesson. i have turned down many frontal shots. but i also shot 1 buck with a slight angle frontal and he was dead in 40 yards.

Welcome to the forums and you will have to get to know the rest of the Okie gang here. there a bucnh of great guys that i have had the chance to spend time with.


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Without knowing where this deer was hit, I'd say it's probably dead. If it was a high hit on the neck it probably bled internally and that's why you're not finding any blood. I'm surprised you didn't find any blood. You should at least be able to find a few drops. If you hit that shoulder bone, I'm sure the deer is fine. Neck shots are pretty lethal. Lots of stuff in there to kill, major arteries, major veins and the windpipe.

I've taken 1 front on shot and it ended up working out, but the only reason I took it was because the land owner wanted does dead. Period. It's really a poor shot angle, too much can go wrong. Like you say, learn from the mistake and move on. Discipline yourself to wait for that broadside or quartering away shot.

Hang in there, we all make mistakes.

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Welcome to the Realtree forum family! :cool: You really need to expand your search more, this deer probably went farther than you think. ;) Also, how much penetration did the arrow get? That would be a good indicator as to whether it hit vital organs or just brisket. Don't give up and search tomorrow too if you happen to get the chance. :cool:

Dakota :)

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