What was your first Gun


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Dance and shoot just got her first guun and that gave me the idea for this post.

Once again congrats on the new Rifle dance.

My question is what was everyones first gun.

Mine was a winchester model 121 22lr. I used it to shoot enough cans to build a small sky scraper out of.

When I was old enough I started hunting squirrels with it and killed enough to feed a small African village.

I still have the rifle and it is in like almost new condition. Many guns have come and gone over the years but I have never considered selling that one.


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My first gun was a pellet gun (rifle) :) Got it when I was 8 years old.

I used my Dad's old Steven's 620 12 gauge for hunting bunnies and fox for years. I didn't buy my own gun until 1970. I bought myself a 30/30 Centenial model replica of the 1867 model. I still have it and have shot a lot of deer with it over the years. One Bobcat and a coyote too. :)

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Guest TennesseeTurkey

Mine was some kind of Daisy BB gun, but the first real gun I worked for. I worked for my uncle who was a building contractor carrying studs, OSB and all kinds of "Gopher" jobs. I made enough money after about a month to go buy a New England single shot 20 ga.

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Honestly I'm not sure.I was given a marlin 30/30 lever action and 20 guage wingmaster about the same time (around 12 or 13). I also had a Daisy pelet gun around that time. I know I used the pelet gun before any other gun. When I was 14 I shot several quail and phesants with the wingmaster. Since rifles are not legal in IL for deer I never used the 30/30. My first deer went down to the wingmaster as well. After storing it for 10 years it's back in action this year with a new red dot scope. It's about 50 years old.

red dot.jpg


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Like most others, my first gun was a Daisy BB gun, when i was like 5...My first real gun was a single shot 4-10 my dad gave me when i was 8....My next gun was a 16 gauge when i was 10, then a Browning A-5 humpback 12 gauge when i turned 12...My old man is a smart booger, as he kept the single shot 4-10 and the 16 gauge after i grew out of them as they were antiques...but i still have the Browning A-5 humpback...Its actually my Fiances shotgun deer rifle now...

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Daisy Buck BB-gun, then a youth NEF 20 gauge single-shot, then an NEF single-shot .243. Since that .243 (Dad uses it now) I've gone up to the Savage Stevens Model 200 .270, then the Win. Model 94 .30-30 (regretably sold to help buy the Monster :( ) and now a Win. Model 70 .30-06 and have two 12 gauges (Win. 1200 pump and CZ Gazelle double barrel; have also owned a Rem. 870 and Mossberg 835), two 20's (Win. 120 pump and NEF single-shot) and my great-grandfather's .410 bolt action he bought in 1936 to boot! :cool:

Dakota :)

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Honestly not sure how to answer this. My first two guns should have been the bb/pellet gun and .22 that were left me by my father who died when I was 2 years old, but those guns both got stolen when I was about 7 years old by some low lifes that my parents paid to help them move. I do have an old pistol that belonged to my grandfather that has been in my family for a very long time so guess that old smith and wesson .32-20 revolver might be considered to be my first gun. Was given a marlin .22 when I was a kid by my stepfather for Christmas one year probably about 30 years ago, don't know what ever happened to that rifle. First deer rifle was my model 700, have had that rifle for I think 16 seasons now.

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