Illumnated nocks


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I have in the past. Didn't get a chance to bow hunt this year, thats the only reason I didnt use them again. I dont know if you can jusitfy the price if someone is broke. I killed 3 deer with them and missed 1. It was pretty sweet seeing exactly where my arrow went. The coolest encounter I had with them was; this doe walked into 15 yards, totally pulled the shot high and missed. Was able to clearly pick up the arrow in flight and see it go right over her. She ran out of the woods and into a field then stopped at 52 yards. I placed my 50 yard pin on her and smoked her. It was awesome watching the flight with the nock dissappear in her at that distance. When I hunt again I will use them if legal out here in this state. Haven't checked laws on them yet out here.

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I use Lumenoks...I love em for several reasons..

1.) it definitely helps with seeing exact shot placement

2.) makes arrow recovery much easier, especially in thick timber and thick prairie

and Lastly, its just pretty darn cool...

1 reason i don't like adds $10 to a lost arrow if your deer runs away with it.

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I've used the lumenock for 2 years now, I had to sand the end of my Axis arrows a little to get a better contact point for the nock to light. After doing that I have never had a problem with them working. Its nice to be able to see them and have an idea of where you are hitting, the only drawback with the lumenock is that if you shoot through an animal and your arrow hits something hard and the nock backs out from the end of your arrow the light goes off and its hard to find your arrow but other than that I wouldn't go in the woods without them. I'm going to try and make some of the homebrews after season this year, a little easier on the wallet.

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I use Lumenoks...I love em for several reasons..

1.) it definitely helps with seeing exact shot placement

2.) makes arrow recovery much easier, especially in thick timber and thick prairie

and Lastly, its just pretty darn cool..

I took a whack a turkey a few weeks ago. I just nicked the bird and the arrow skipped off the ground. I saw the arrow fly off into the brush. We waited till dusk and the Lumenock made it easy to find the arrow. I have used Lumenock for 3 years. I have compared them to other bands and I like the 40 hour battery life of the Lumenocks. The others are only half that.

As for the B&C entry, I will just switch out the nock before I enter it. Lee and Tiffany shoot luminated nocks and I would be curious how many B&C entries they have.

Edited by RangerClay
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I don't use any lighted nocks anymore. I used Lumenoks with about a 50% success rate. I even made my own with about the same rate of success. Earlier this year, a doe ran off with my arrow. The arrow was an Easton Axis ($16) tipped with a Rage 2 ($14) nocked with a Lumenok ($11). I put my foot down after that arrow was never found, especially since the Lumenok didn't light up.

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My first year using Tracers and I really like them. They work great, and you dont have the issues with fit like my friend has with his lumenocks. Just throw away the little velcro that sticks your magnet on though and get a good piece of double sided tape though. Who can say if anything is worth the price we pay for them, but you sure can see them all the way to the target, even in daylight. Plus the tracers start flashing after ten seconds and has a 96 hour battery life.

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