ripped off!!!!!!!


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Went in to check a trail cam i had set up on some oaks that the deer were hammering,GONE!!!!!!! WTF is wrong with people..i work hard for my stuff. I even had it chained and locked to the tree..

I know how you feel, I had mine stolen last week. They were luck I wasn't there. :gun1:

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Every year I read posts about this. One theory... I'll bet a lot of people trespass when hunting (more than you would ever realize). Some intentional some not. When a flash goes off they know they have been had! Their solution - steal the camera!

It's a shame, but a reality. I don't own one for this reason. Nothing stays in the field unless I don't mind if it gets stolen.

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Yep that sucks for sure...I had some tool steal the memory card out of my camera...He left the cam, but took the that is very aggrivating because all of us know how long we wait with high anticipation of getting a giant on camera, then go to check it and the darn card is gone...all i have to say is KARMA.

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I know first hand how infuriatiing that can be!!! We've been battling idiot thieves and vandals for a few years now. Just last weekend we caught 3 low life punks tresspassing on our private, posted property. Long story short, we knew a couple of them and told them we have pics and if anything happens again we were going to the police. THE NEXT MORNING, we go out and the camera we got pics of them on was gone. Needless to say, we went on a war path and we did get our camera back...criminal masterminds huh?...I can't even begin to wrap my mind around how people actually do things like this!

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i was hunting on a guys property last year for coyotes and saw that he had a blind made out of scaffolding. it was about 18 ft. tall with a outhouse blind on top. went there 2 days later and it was gone. i asked him where it went, some guys stole the whole thing. now they had to know wat they were doing to get all that out of there in one night.

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I've had it happen to me several times 200-300 dollar climbers. I've written about it here. I'll never leave anything in the field anymore and I won't leave anything in my truck either.

I've thought about implementing a little Karma - but that thought goes away in about 1.2 seconds when I remember how it felt.

I do not trust any hunters, sad to say, unless I know them.

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