I need a nanny!!


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I got up this morning with every intention of going out hunting and about the time I was going to leave, the fog rolled in. It's so thick I can barely see my hand in front of my face. Anyways, i'm sitting here checking out a few threads and I got to thinking that it's less than a week and wtnhunt will be on his way up to indulge in the Wisconsin whitetail rut. I'm getting pretty excited to meet him and I know we'll have a great time, but as I sit here I noticed hunting crap laying all over my house. Magazines stacked 6 high by my favorite morning chair, refletched arrows standing in the corner and a few of the kid's toys laying around. Now I'm usually not one to have a bunch of clutter laying around the house as it actually drives me nuts but, being as how it's hunting season can i get away will it for a couple weeks? Atleast until after the rut? I really don't feel like cleaning so maybe I need to find a nanny...

Have a great day everyone!!

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It makes my wife mad during hunting season... We rarely drive our truck so it stays clean. However, I have a ML'er pistol, ML'er Rifle, and my bow in the extended cab. I have two different jackets, calls, scents, radios, etc.... Laying in the front seat. In the back is a Summit and a trailer is hooked up waiting on the 4 - Wheeler.....


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It makes my wife mad during hunting season... We rarely drive our truck so it stays clean. However, I have a ML'er pistol, ML'er Rifle, and my bow in the extended cab. I have two different jackets, calls, scents, radios, etc.... Laying in the front seat. In the back is a Summit and a trailer is hooked up waiting on the 4 - Wheeler.....


I still don't see the issue:)

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