why is blind bad??

The Kid

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my question is why is rattling and grunting blind a bad thing i listen to a lot of hunters on here and notice that most dont rattle or grunt unless they see a deer???why is this, i mean i understand that you wouldnt want the deer to catch you offgaurd and come sneaking in but if your making calls shouldn't you be on your toes??

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Don't know, I do call blind and do have deer come in. Rifle hunting and ml'er hunting I have called in and killed several good bucks with the grunt call that I do not think I would have seen otherwise.

Pretty darned cool when you have deer explode across a small river or creek or from out of nowhere that you had no clue were there and they come in looking for the buck that was actually your calling.

Only thing I would caution is to not overcall when calling blind.

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the main reason some guys dont like to blind grunt or rattle is that most of the bucks come in downwind. if they do, you might not even see them.

i also like to call or rattle, but i do so with the right wind. i can do this at my primary stand if i get a S or SW wind, theres no way they can come in downwind unless they can fly.:) so they circle trying to find what caused the noise. its a perfect setup.

i actually rattled and grunted in 3 bucks last saturday morning. 1 8 point was 130 class and i had him dead at 20 yards. the 10 point was maybe 138 class and he walked over to my mock scrape and stuck his face in it. i could have nailed him easy.

sometimes rattling and calling in the blind works great, but if you dont have a good wind, then i would wait until you see a buck. if hes not coming your way, then give calling a try. it can be quite exciting if they come in fast. you better be ready really quick. i have had some come in so fast, that i couldnt get to my bow fast enough.


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It might be a regional thing. I know it is with me. I don't like blind rattling because it alerts deer, and in some cases (especially does) it will send them the other way. Does in my area DO NOT like rattling. If they hear rattling, tail up, sianora. It will affect some bucks that way too. Pressured deer react differently to rattling I think.

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It might be a regional thing. I know it is with me. I don't like blind rattling because it alerts deer, and in some cases (especially does) it will send them the other way. Does in my area DO NOT like rattling. If they hear rattling, tail up, sianora. It will affect some bucks that way too. Pressured deer react differently to rattling I think.

I agree with tominator. Rattling can scare those deer away. If he is a big boy he might come in. I have had the rattle scare away small bucks and if you are going to shoot them then you are out of luck.

good luck to all

the dog

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I've given up on rattling; never had much luck with it. I use a grunt call blindly and there were several times that I don't think I ever would have seen that particular deer if I didn't. I've called in and shot many deer with my grunt and "can" call that I never knew were there. Doesn't always work but I won't go in the woods without them.

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One of the biggest bucks I've ever seen in my life I grunted in blind. Around the peak of the rut, I did a short grunting sequence and I wasn't even finished when it sounded like someone rolled a pick up down the ridge toward me. A BRUTE of a buck came screaming in looking for a fight, but stopped just short of bow range. I never got a crack at him but what an awesome experience!

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guess im changing my mind now. i hate rattling..:) i just spooked a 160 class this morning because i dint see him and when i started rattling, he ran for the hills. its too bad, i was waiting all season to get a crack at him. now with the rut close, i have to rethink my stand placement maybe.


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