sighting in a .270


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I shot my ruger no.1 .270 today with the federal premium 150 gr partitions,I had it sighted in with remington 100 gr rounds for coyotes last year.I don't have the ballistics in front of me but I have it hitting 2-2.5 inches high at 170 yards,it's windy today and this was the longest shot I could find out of the wind.

I'm wondering how low it will be hitting at 300 yards?

I'll go get the box of ammo out of the truck.:hammer1:


2850 muzzle

2650 100 yds

2460 200 "

2280 300 "

2110 400 "

100 yard zero

200 " -3.5

300 " -12.6

Edited by ousoonerfan22
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