How much does it cost you?

Ethan Givan

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I was just wondering what it costs everyone to buy the licenses and tags to hunt deer in their own state. Here in Kentucky we have to pay $20 for a hunting license and $30 for a deer permit which is good for two deer, and only one of the two can be a buck. So its a total of $50 for a resident of KY to hunt deer. What does it cost in your state?

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So long as I hunt on my land I am covered under the landowner exemption and have to pay nothing, however when I hunt my neighbors land I do buy my license and it runs $28 for the hunting and fishing combo license and then $28 for each weapon(archery, ml, gun), and then you can get a type 94 special season license for non quota hunts that is another $21. If you get the annual sportsman it is $136 and covers everything.

Lifetime sportsman in this state for guys my age is pretty steep, last time I checked was around $1600.

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Hunting license - $7.50

Habitat stamp - $5.50

Archery combo permit - $26.00

Fall archery turkey permit - $5.50

Firearm either sex permit - $15.00

Firearm antlerless only permit - $15.00

Muzzleloader permit - $15.00

Spring turkey permit (up to 3) - $15.00 each (I usually buy 2)

State Waterfowl stamp - $10.50

Federal Waterfowl stamp - $15.00

Total - $145.00

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We have a couple different options.

You can buy:

Archery Tag - $15

Firearm Tag - $15


Combination Tags - $30

and Antlerless tags are $15

Basically the difference is an archery tag is used in archery season and firearm tag in firearm season (obviously). With the Combo tags, either can be used in archery or firearm. During archery season, either one can also be used to tag an antlerless deer as well. One is also a restricted tag, where a buck can be taken with it but it must have 4 or more points on one side. There are also different rules for the UP as far as the buck tags go.

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Hunting and fishing license $19.00

Spring turkey $17.00....(2 tags)

Archery tags $19.00.....(2 any deer tags (only 1 buck can be shot prior to firearm season) and 2 turkeys)

Archery antler less only $7.00 each and you can buy as many as you want (I usually buy 1)

Firearm Tag $17.00......(1 any deer tag)

Firearm antler less only $7.00 each and you can buy as many as you want (I usually buy 1)

So my total cost is....$86.00

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I think i spent around $150 for all mine this year. That included Deer A(either sex), Deer B(doe only), elk, black bear, WOLF!, conservation, hunting access enhancement, state and federl migratory bird stamp, upland bird, and fishing.

Well, if we're going to go that route...

South Dakota

$45 = one any antelope plus TWO doe/fawn antelope (rifle)

$35 = statewide archery any deer

$15 = statewide archery any antlerless deer

$27 = junior small game/fishing combo

$2 = migratory bird

$15 = waterfowl stamp

$20 = Black Hills spring turkey

$20 = statewide archery spring turkey

$20 = Lincoln Co. shotgun turkey

$199 Total (might add on $15 if I decide to do muzzleloader doe this year) and that's not including what I spent to hunt twice in Wyoming this year.

Dakota :)

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